Thursday, May 26: Vienna to Graz

Report #1
For our second day in Vienna we focused on the arts within the city by visiting some beautiful architectural sites and learning about significant movements and the artists involved in them.   Firstly, we visited the Hunderwasserhaus.  The building was an apartment home designed by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.  Even though I had already visited the site before I was still amazed by how abstract and colorful the building still is!   After that we hopped on the tram again (we had to learn to buy our own tickets using the machines here) and headed to the the Karlskirche, a baroque church designed by the architect Fischer von Ehrlach.   The church is hands down one of my favorite places in Vienna, not only because it’s a breathtaking sight but also because it reminds me of my father!   In his teenage and young adults years he studied in university just around the corner from the church, which we actually passed on the way to the museum that focused on the Secession movement.   I was really astounded at the Secession museum when Mrs. Burgbacher told us that the artist Gustav Klimt looked to use REAL gold in all of his art pieces during the movement’s time period.   Following that we walked to the Museumsquartier where we got a choice to go to another museum and/or have some free time to walk around and eat some lunch.   Aly, Brett, Olivia and I decided to get some lunch at a Turkish place and then get some ice cream that I recommended.   We then headed back to the hotel by subway and boarded our charter bus for Graz.  We now have a long weekend with our host families and I think everyone will have a fabulous time.  It was great seeing everyone from Graz again.  ~Athina

Report #2
The day began with my roommates and I waking up much later then we had expected. We were told to have eaten breakfast and have our things packed by 9:45, but none of us woke up until 9:52. We rushed to pack our things and get downstairs, so that we wouldn’t hold up the whole group or get left at the hotel. After leaving the hotel, we bought tickets for the Strassenbahn and rode it to one of Hundertwasser’s buildings. It was very odd to see a building with so many strange curves, and I wished we could have seen inside one of the apartments. Next, we visited the Secession building. Before we got there, we saw a very grand white church, with large steps and a wide pool of water in front of it.   The architecture that I’ve seen so far in Vienna amazes me, as it’s very different to what I’m used to in the US.  This was again exhibited in the Secession building. The art was very neatly portrayed in rooms with white ceilings and walls, and it was very interesting to observe the different art pieces. Afterwards, we walked to the Museumsquartier, and we ate at a restaurant near there. This was the first time that my friends and I had to properly order food at a restaurant in German. Though the waitress talked a little fast for us, we were all able to order what we wanted and pay for the meal without too much trouble, as the phrases we learned in German class proved very useful.   Around 3:00 we returned to the hotel and were soon on our way to Graz.  The ride to Graz was filled with beautiful landscapes of mountains and castles, which you never get to see in Cary, NC.   Finally, we reached Graz shortly after 6:00 and I met my host family.  ~Shaan


One thought on “Thursday, May 26: Vienna to Graz”

  1. Very nice. Keep writing about your adventures and keep taking pictures . We look forward to read about it. Hope you are all having a great time.

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