Thursday was our final workday, and we were hard at work finishing our projects and presentations. We’ve had a lot of fun this DT among our inside jokes, insatiable desire for both Starbucks and books, and our self-created imaginary worlds.
For those that didn’t see our presentation Friday, I’ve included a table of our works:
Cate Pitterle | Short Story: “Our Fallen King” |
Hannah Owens | Short Story: “Alice” |
Evan Snively and Obinna Modilim | Film Script: The Exchange Trip |
Alex Zoetmulder | Short Story: “Duizentad” |
Anna Cheng | Flash Fiction Collection: The Sand Child |
Katie Grush | Song: “Surviving a Fantasy” |
Sam Dietrich | Comic: Princess Andromeda |
Savannah Lu | Novel Chapters: The Legend of Ming |
Hunter Moore | Short Story: “Jaelyn” |