Change the World Project

During the change the world project  my group worked against climate change and global warming. Colin and I worked very well together. Where I left off, he picked up. We never had to plan or argue about who was doing what, we were both always happy to contribute. My favorite piece of the project was by far designing the website. I really liked arranging and fixing the aesthetics of our work. The one thing I might change is the website creator we use. WIX has many problems, especially when working in a group. I do know of any other website creators, but I am sure there are some out there that would suit this project better. Overall, this project has broadened my knowledge of global warming and I may or may not continue to fight it, depending on the circumstances that I find my self in.

Pig Heart Dissection Reflection

My overall impression of the porcine heart dissection was that it was an educational and hands-on experience. I was expecting it to be a lot smaller, but it ended up easier to work with as all of it’s parts were blown up. I really enjoyed using the scalpel to make scores and slice the walls of the heart. I struggled to find all of the pulmonary veins as they were small and hidden in the many folds of tissue. I imagine that operating on a living human would be similar, but have a much smaller range for mistake and much higher consequences. I am not very interested in similar studies as a career path, although I would like to learn as much as I can about the topic while I am in school.pigdissection

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