I went into the experience expecting to learn about space, but I actually learned a lot about reptiles and amphibians .
Author: maddie
Brew Coffee Bar
The ambiance that the first cafe gave was very chill and created a nice homey vibe. My personal favorite thing about the cafe was that they gave the drinks in nice cups, which personally I think we could use as inspiration for the cafe at CA. We could give these jars or cups out and then get them to return. Or, we could sell personalized cary academy jars or cups then sell them as an add on with the drink.
Art museum
We also visited the NC art museum. The west wing was closed off but what we got to see was amazing work. I spent a lot of time there and outside of the trip contemplating the pieces
Van Goghe Museum (1)
I feel like I actually learned a lot about Van Goghe today. His inspiration from Japanese paintings was something I didn’t know about previously and it was really interesting to see how this impacted his paintings