PTAA Letter: Your school. Your auction.

As we head into the season of giving, I wanted to gently remind everyone that our auction committee is hard at work trying to put together an incredible event for Cary Academy early next year. The PTAA Auction is our only fundraising event of the year. The money raised provides programming and support for every single student, parent and employee at Cary Academy. These include:

  • Grade Level Support
  • Health & Wellness
  • Book Fair
  • Cultural Arts
  • Charger Club
  • Charger Cup
  • Fun Fest
  • Tailgates
  • Diversity
  • Employee Appreciation
  • Gifts
  • Grants
  • Interview Skillsand much more…

This is your school. This is your auction. We need your help to make it a great success. We also need a variety of unique and exciting items, experiences, and opportunities to bid on. If you can’t support with your time and energy, this would be a wonderful way to help. The PTAA would like to challenge every CA family to make one contribution to the Auction this year.

Auction Donation Ideas

  • Contribute your time, special talent or learning experience you could share with a group.
  • Ask for a donation from your favorite business.
  • Donate a shadowing day for a student at your office.
  • Purchase a gift certificate from your favorite place and donate it to the auction.
  • Donate a week or weekend at your vacation home, frequent flyer miles, hotel points, or tickets to a sporting event.
  • Do you have a connection to a special event or celebrity?
  • Be an Auction Sponsor and/or help us find one.
  • Purchase a bottle of wine for our Wall of Wine.

Please sign up Volunteer Here.

Please fill out the Donation Form online by Dec. 12.

On behalf of the Students, Faculty, Staff, and Parents of Cary Academy, I thank you for your support. With your help, this auction is going to be out of this world…

Kind regards,

Lisa Mathis
CA PTAA President