Housing In Ancient Egypt


Sonia Shah

 headreststone lamp

  1. Where did the Ancient Egyptians live?
  • They lived in the towns and villages
  • In the Nile valley
  • The poorer people lived in houses wedged in between the wealthier people’s houses.
  • All the houses were made out of mud bricks
  • Royal families and government officials lived in larger cities, though still in the Nile Valley
  • The larger cities were the centers of trade and government business
  1. What were temples, tombs, monuments and houses made up of?
  • Temples, tombs, and monuments were made up of stone so they would last for eternity
  • Egyptian homes were made of mud bricks; they got the mud rom the Nile
  • To make the mud bricks they would shape the mud into rectangular molds and leave them outside in the sun to bake
  1. What type of furniture did the people have?
  • Poorer people had very few furniture pieces, the most they usually had were a table and two beds
  • The poor people usually sat on a mattress or cushion
  • Wealthy people were very large, sometimes two stories high
  • For light they had many lamps, and for natural light they could not use windows because they were not made of glass so they used the slats instead.   


Image Sources

[Image] http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/furniture.htm September 16, 2015 Web

[Image] http://carlos.emory.edu/ODYSSEY/EGYPT/headrest.html September 16, 2015 Web