Writing and Education

Writing & Education

Ashley Grubstein

What do scribes do?

  • (Official record keepers
  • (Administer laws
  • (Collect taxes
  • (Supervise government projects
  • (Travel with court to keep an official record of events

What skills are needed to be a scribe?

  • ( Read and write hieroglyphs
    • Took a while for students to master
    • Used to write everything from contracts to joke
  • Also need to read and write heiratics

What was school like?

○ Just after sunrise to sunset

○ Teachers were Strict

○ Students treated harshly

○ if not willing to learn scolded and physically beaten

  • Before students got papyrus they got clay tablets
  •     Only successful students got papyrus after many years
    • Papyrus is plant reeds stuck together and flattened

What did scribes record?

○ Tax records

○ Records of grain and food supply to prevent starvation

○ Measured rise of Nile River

○ Traveled with military expeditions

  • Animal records

(images) http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/special/virtual_library/ramesses_hittite.html . September 16, 2015. Web.

(images)  http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/special/virtual_library/tuthmosis_karnak.html . September 16, 2015. Web.