Writing and Education

Writing and Education

Rohan PhadkeHieroglphics Image

What functions did scribes fulfill?

  • Scribes kept records for Ancient Egypt
  • They would travel along with court members to record events
  • Would collect tax from
  • Scribes would be in charge of laws

How were scribes educated?

  • Priests taught the scribal studentsPortrait Image
  • Curriculum featured learning to read and write hieroglyphics
  • They used a reed pens to write on broken pieces of pottery
  • Only after they mastered writing on broken pottery, they could write on tablets and then papyrus
  • Many scribal students were taught a much simpler system called hieratic script
  • Scribes were taught to use hieratic script on daily basis for everyday tasks

Why was school life not easy for scribal student?

  • School days were long and sometimes went on from sunrise to sunset
  • Strict schoolmaster who treated students harshly
  • Students who did not want to learn were harshly punished and even physically beaten
  • Students learning to be scribes spent almost 4 years out of seven years of school learning to write the 700 hieroglyphic signs
  • What would scribal students learn when they accompanied more experienced scribes?
  • Would learn to keep track of tax records
  • Learned to record the rise of the Nile River
  • They would be taught to track the supply of grain and food supply to ensure that there would not be a shortage of food.

[Image] http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/detail.aspx?id=80. September 16, 2015. Web.

[Image] http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/detail.aspx?id=4576. September 16, 2015. Web.