


Owen Kadis

Where did Egyptians live?

  • Towns villages
  • Lower class close tight small
  • Upper class bigger and fancier
  • Royals and government officials larger city
building bricks
building bricks

What were Egyptians houses look like?

  • Bricks of Nile mud
  • Facing North
  • Upper class houses were painted
  • Not strong as stone but kept out heat


What was lower class housing like?

  • Lower class
  • simple house
  • small rooms
  • high windows low ceilings
  • little furniture a few tables and beds


What was upper class housing like?

  • Upper class
  • Fancier bigger
  • Tree shaded pool
  • Flowers bushes high wall
  • Two stories
  • Courtyard
  • Bedrooms bathrooms kitchens public rooms servants quarters
  • Stools tables bed chests pots and lamps


[image] http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/building/index.html . Sept 16 2015.Web.

[image] http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/housing.html . Sept 16 2015.Web.