War Fare

War Fare

Molly Shirley


Why does military play an important role in Egyptian society?

*Military protects Egypt

*Help build tombs and canals

*Military was a full time job


Are there different parts of the Military?

*Infantry are foot soldiers

*a company is 200 foot soldiers with captain to lead them

*a division is 5,000 men with a general / lieutenant to lead them

*military were also made up of Mercenaries – soldiers from other lands paid to fight


What are some weapons Egyptians use in battle?

*Javelins – log spears for throwing distances


*short curved swords

*protection – shield of rawhide, headgear from paddled caps

*Chariots have two soldiers on each one.

*One is a driver one is a archer

*the driver on a chariot whore leather and bronze helmet, leather armor

*the archer had a bow


What different jobs do Egyptian soldiers do outside of the military?

*during peacetime the Military did other jobs

*dig canals

*carry stone from desert to build a pharaoh’s tomb



[Image] http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt.September 15,2015.Web.

[Image]http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/war.htm.September15, 2015.Web