Happy Summer from the School Nurse’s Office!

For parents of new students:

You should have received an email from Magnus Health where Cary Academy keeps all health documents for our students.  If you have not received this email and set up your account, please contact me by email (ellen_doyle@caryacademy.org).

For all parents:

*Please do not send completed health records to school.  You need to scan and upload all records to your Magnus Health account.  If you choose to mail or fax your documents to Magnus, it is your responsibility to make sure they end up in the correct place in your student’s account.  Magnus will usually take 2-3 business days once the documents are received to load them in to your account.  When you scan and upload them, you can see that they are in the correct place immediately.

*Helpful Hint:  scan each document as a separate pdf.  If you do not have a scanner at home, there are scanning apps available for your smartphone.

*For those that need assistance, please email me or Kathy Riley (kathy_riley@caryacademy.org) for help this summer.

For parents of returning students:

The following items must be updated annually for students to attend the first day of school:

  1. Vital Health Record (please update height, weight, and any changes in emergency contact numbers, medicines, health issues, etc).
  2. Consent to Treat (digitally reauthorize for the 2015-16 school year).
  3. Concussion Form (required every year for all students, not just athletes).

None of these items require a physician signature and should take just a few minutes to update.

If you forgotten your Magnus user ID, Magnus Customer Service can be reached at 877-461-6831 during normal business hours.  Please remember that they are extremely busy close to school opening dates.  You will get more efficient service if you attend to these items earlier in the summer.

Wishing you a safe and healthy summer,

Ellen Doyle RN, MSN
School Nurse