PTAA Letter

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Holiday break!  I cannot believe we are already in the New Year, where has the time gone

Believe it or not, a new year means your PTAA is beginning to plan ahead for Leadership positions next year.  We have a wonderful process in place to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the PTAA.  Beginning in February, our Nominating Committee will contact all members of the CA community and encourage everyone to nominate themselves (or someone they know) for the many diverse PTAA positions.

Below are descriptions of the various PTAA committee positions we will be looking to fill for next year and I encourage each of you to begin thinking of people you would like to nominate for these various roles:

  • Arts Hospitality: Hosts receptions for MS and US chorus, dance, drama, band, orchestra and visual arts programs.
  • Auction: Plans the Annual PTAA Benefit Auction, the PTAA’s only fundraiser. Auction volunteers tackle tasks from creating auction paddles to acquiring interesting items for the PTAA’s biggest annual event.
  • Book Fair: Plans and coordinates volunteers for this CA fundraiser.
  • Charger Club: Supports all aspects of CA athletics by promoting school spirit, good sportsmanship and volunteer commitment, working closely with the Athletic Department.
  • Cultural Arts: Partners with CA faculty and administration as well as community groups to bring to CA innovative arts experiences that enhance school curriculum.
  • Diversity: Provides support for families of different racial and ethnic groups, religious traditions, genders, sexual orientations, ages and socioeconomic statuses and encourages participation in PTAA activities.
  • Employee Appreciation: Coordinates snacks and meals during the school year and hosts a breakfast or lunch during a trimester break to let CA faculty and staff know just how much parents value their contributions to student lives.
  • Fun Fest: Provides on-site and data entry support for CA’s annual family carnival event.
  • Interview Skills: Works with staff to plan and coordinate PTAA’s Interview Skills initiative, which provides every Junior with skills training and a practice college interview, and gives every Senior a chance to schedule a an additional practice college interview or practice job interview.
  • Middle School Representatives: Serve as PTAA’s liaison to MS administration, coordinates MS-wide activities like Charger Cup (the MS field day), serves on the PTAA Board and assists Grade level representatives, who coordinate grade-level activities for students and parents (e.g., student social events; parent lunch volunteers; parent breakfasts, lunches and dinners).
  • New Parent Programs: Welcome families new to CA and help them get acclimated, as well as support the CA Admissions Division by assisting at Open Houses and Information Sessions and by giving guided tours to prospective families.
  • Nominating: Identifies candidates for nomination to the PTAA Executive Committee and for appointment as committee chairs and grade-level representatives, with a parent from each grade-level; encourages nominations from all members of the CA community beginning in February and contacts all nominees to assess interest, learn their skills and schedule, and to identify potential matches for leadership opportunities.
  • Photography: Attends various CA PTAA events and take pictures of students, faculty and volunteer parents to be used for the PTAA web pages and the PTAA Auction slide show.  They also update the CA PTAA Flickr website.
  • Upper School Representatives: Coordinate US-wide activities for students & parents, serve as liaisons to US administration, serve on the PTAA Board, assist and sponsor Student Council events and assist Grade level representatives, who coordinate grade-level activities for students and parents (e.g., student social events; and parent breakfasts, lunches and dinners).

Although we are starting to look ahead and plan for next year, there are still many wonderful opportunities left to serve within the PTAA this year!  If you are interested in learning more about any of these committees, please let me know.  I will be happy to provide you additional information.

Kind Regards,

DeAnnah Baker
CA PTAA 2013-14 President