Today I woke up late with a sore throat, this was just a lesson not to stay out in the cold for too long without a jacket. We started off the day by splitting into groups of 3 and 4 and completing a survey comparing our school system to the Argentinians. After that we looked at pictures of places in the United States and Argentina and we had to guess which one was which. For lunch we had a very good meal! It was potatoes, Milanesa, and soup. Along with some really nice cake. After that we played soccer and basketball outside for awhile. It was really fun because I had not played either of the two sports for awhile, so that was cool. Afterwards we went and spent time with the kids in the school. The kids were really sweet and it was nice spending time with them. First we read them a book called Winnie the Witch. After that, the kids preformed a little song and dance for us and that was really nice to see. They also fed us which made me really happy. I met new friends and I had a really good time with them! After that, our old exchange friends made more food for us, so at this point I felt like I was about to explode, but of course I still ate it and I enjoyed it. After we ate, we played a game of basketball it was girls vs boys. Initially we started losing, but then we turned the tides and we started winning. We eventually won the game, but overall it was really fun! Once we got home my exchange student and I played FIFA and I beat him twice so I was really proud of myself. We watched a horror movie afterwards which I may or may not had nightmares over and then we ended off the night with a comedy which was absolutely hilarious. Then we went to sleep, but overall it was a really nice day!