Today started off as any other “Argentinian Day.” 12:00 AM, as we finished our family meal and the dulce de leche was passed around the table. Technically, this is a blog about today only, but I must include the dinner we had 30 minutes before the start of the day. Ravioli. Very very good Ravioli. Before coming to Argentina, I thought food would be a great challenge for me, being vegetarian. But, I was fortunately wrong as the food has been nothing but amazing. Going back to this Ravioli, It was simply amazing. Cheese and pumpkin ravioli, a weird combination of it was amazing, cooked fresh by Toto’s dad. Finally, as Andrea, Toto’s mom took away our plates, I headed for my bedroom, “Buenos noches!!!” I woke up “dark” and early, 6:50 AM, but looked more like 1 AM (I am totally accustomed to seeing the sun right when I wake up). As I picked out my OOTD, I headed for the shower. Here was the first shock of the day. Toto’s family did warn me that their irrigation system is not working for the downstairs bathroom; MY bathroom! But, it hasn’t had much problems so far. As I turned the shower on, I continued with my normal routine, washing my face, brushing my teeth, ETC. I finally got out of the shower, but instead walked into a Tub! Yes! There was a huge layer of water premising the entire bathroom. I honestly panicked and started cleaning immediately. I told the mom, and she assured me it was not my fault and we both got to work drying the bathroom. It was quite the effort ngl. Anyways moving on to my actual day. I reached school at 8:10; early bird gets the worm ! I sat down to my accustomed 2 day chair and begin talking to my American and now Argentinian friends! Finally we all headed for the door and entered the bus! Right as I got on, I tilted my head down, and closed my eyes, before I knew it I was in the capital city of Buenos Aires. I just love it there! Anyways, we left the bus and stood in the middle of a park? Which felt like an eternity. In reality it was 30 min. We went to an art museum first, and honestly it was a lot better than what I expected it to be. We walked the halls and the floors and before I knew it we were done. As we exited, we took a nice group photo and headed for the buses to grab our food. We eagerly entered the bus and further exited with our brown paper bags, full of delicious food! We ended up going to a park and ate there. It was fun, we also go to feed the pigeons! Next, my personal favorite part, we went to MickyD’s to have a snack, I think? It was great! We then further went to the Holocaust Museum, which was very sad, but at the same time held my entire attention. We soon exited the museum and headed back to the busses, back to our home town of Pilar. Right when we got back to North Hills, Toto and I, left back home, we had a snack and then went to play basketball with some of his neighborhood friends. They are a lot of fun and very very funny. As we shot our last buckets, we drove back home and entered the hoodie to a pleasant smell of pasta! I gobbled up my food, and finally as the Dulce the leche was getting passed around the table, I remembered I had HW to do, or write this blog:). I excused my self and spent my last couple minutes of the day writing this blog. (Not really, the current time is 12:30 AM I just forgot about this. Something’s don’t change in
)! I hope for more fun days like today!