Today, i went to school and the first thing we did was a tour of the school, we got to learn where they have their classes along with the other grades too. after they prepared a nice breakfast for all of the 5th year and us. the breakfast consisted of many different types of Argentinian snacks and treats, for example, alfajores, cookies, and medialunas. our first activity we got into groups with a couple of questions to get to learn everyone better. we had a 15 minute break to hangout and got to learn how to play their games outside with all the other grades. later, we all went back inside for a lesson on debate. We were given a one of the 4 prompts to then write three strong arguments about. 2 groups had the same prompt, one group was trying to defend while the other group was trying to negate. After about one hour, we got with the group with the same prompt to now have a debate. Each person had 3 minutes to propose their argument but after the first minute the opposing team could start asking questions. debate went on till about 12:20, which is when lunch starts. We all travelled our way to the lunch room, for food today it was chicken and potato’s, with of course bread,salad, desert, and soup. post eating we had some more hangout time, so we continued playing the games we started in the morning. Our next activity was charades. We got put into 4 groups to then in those groups, get divided into 2 groups. We then went back and forth sending one person from our team to go up and act out the saying. If our group sent up someone from NC the saying would be in spanish, and if they were from argentina, the phrase was in spanish. we played this till about 2:30. Next up was an introduction to what we are doing tomorrow. A few kids prepared presentations talking about the museum we are going to, the Holocaust museum. After we got to have an activity with the oldest grade, these were also the people who did the exchange last year. we had a word game that was projected up on the screen, then we had a game were there were slips of paper with a few words on it, and you would have to find your match, the match would make a famous known saying, for example, one would say “blood is thicker” and another was “than water”, so this was a match” blood is thicker than water”. once you find your match you would sit down and on the back of the slips of paper there was a question. after we would go up one by one with our partner and read our verse,say what it means, then read our questions and answer it. Then school was over. a majority of use went to the shopping center after school, we met at the starbucks their and all enjoyed an after school snack. —Keira