June 8: Day 14



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Waking up this morning was bittersweet for me. I was sad that I’d have to leave my hosts and their families behind, but I was looking forward to coming back to America to see my family and friends. After breakfast, I arrived at school with Sol, my host for the last 5 days, and her family. Saying goodbye to her parents was a bit sad, and I wasn’t really able to express the gratitude that I felt for their hospitality. During the morning, we went to the city of Luján to visit the Basilíca de Nuestra Señora de Luján, a church built in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The neo-gothic architectural style of the church combined with colorful stained glass creates a beautiful structure and a perfect place to take pictures. Interestingly, this church is where Pope Francis used to preach before he became Pope, so it’s a popular tourist attraction in Argentina. Also, we visited a museum of transportation in Luján. After a long bus ride, we arrived back at school to say our goodbyes to our hosts and their friends. This was definitely the saddest part of our trip. A few of us, myself included, were a bit teary as we said goodbye to the friends we had made. Although we’ll be seeing most of our host students again, it was difficult to accept that we had to say goodbye to the people that we had lived with for the past two weeks. We got on the bus for another long bus ride to the airport, and after we arrived at the airport, we ate dinner and got some last minute gifts for family and friends. When it was time to board the plane, we were all exhausted from a long, tiring day, and we were ready to head home.


Thank you to all of our wonderful students!  You were cheerful, responsible, and intrepid travelers!  Have a wonderful and restful summer!


One thought on “June 8: Day 14”

  1. What a great group of students, wonderful photos., interesting and I am sure, delicious food and gorgeous cathedrals and churches. Looks like all learned much and made many friends. Safe travels home! ~ Bea (Mrs. Caccuitto’s Mother-in-Law)

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