Tuesday June 2, 2015 (otherwise known as “Alpaca Day”)
7:30: I am woken by the sound of my family’s dog, Alfi. He barks for every car that passes by.
7:45: My family has prepared yet again cake for me to eat for breakfast. It is quite a strange feeling to eat cake in the morning. They keep placing another slice on my plate as soon as the previous one is finished. I need to stop eating so much cake.
8:15: We arrive at school. I am greeted by the sounds of my 7 and 8 year old fans, all holding their hands out for high fives or waving their hands across their faces, replicating John Cena’s signature move.
8:45: The room the Americans gather in is quite lively this morning. It seems as though there is a decent amount of drama to discuss. Some are more talkative than others.
9:30: We arrive at the zoo. I am very excited to see some Alpacas. We and one other school group are the only visitors at the zoo today. After taking a photo with the zoo sign, we head in. The first animals we see are some pink flamingos and a group of white cranes. While cool, they aren’t alpacas.
10:00: We are greeted by a tour guide who explains to us the dangerous impacts of using natural resources on the environment. We then visit a group of meerkats and some sleeping bats. Fascinating.
10:30: Our group has ventured inside an aquarium. Inside are countless fish, stingrays, and sharks. In a nearby corner, a group of lionfish huddle around an aquatic plant. Interesting…
11:00: We leave the aquarium and draw near what at first seems to be an alpaca exhibit. My classmates crowd around me saying, “Look Jacob! Alpacas!” But I know better. There aren’t alpacas, only llamas in disguise. I continue my walking in a silent, sad state, having been fooled by the group of llamas.
11:30 We enter a 360 movie theatre in the zoo. Scenes of wild animals dance across the screen while magnificent classical music plays.
12:00: We leave the zoo. Despite the lack of alpacas, I am pleased. As well, a large portion of drama was settled between two individuals at this time. We arrive once again at the school, and I am greeted by my fans.
5:00: After lunch and some soccer, it is time to leave school. I arrive at home and take a nap.
6:00: Videogames
9:00: We have dinner at the house. As I eat some grapes, I notice that Augustin has a pile of seeds on his plate. When questioned, he tells me that they are from the grapes. I had been eating at least 20 seeds. He informs me that I might get sick later. He is right.
1:00: Sleep.