Citizen science “is the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. Through citizen science, people share and contribute to data monitoring and collection programs.”
For the citizen science QUEST project, students pick a citizen science project that is already in existence, collect data for this project, record their findings to the citizen science program or app, and then create a tri-fold board to report their findings. The big culminating event is the showcase that coincides with Earth day, April 22 (or as close to Earth day as we can get).
Students also complete a background research paper where they learn more about the topic of their citizen science program, and why people care to learn more about this topic. New this year was the Ecopsot. For the Ecospot, students use a technology of their choosing and make a presentation. Their presentation includes information about their citizen science topic, and then they include things that people can do to help their topic. Students wanted to feel like they could empower their audience by giving them concrete actions (at least 3) to help their topic.
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