
What you’re feeling has a reason.

Just because you have a mental health condition, it does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. Remember, just like all bodily conditions, mental health conditions happens for a logical reason. The main causes for most mental illnesses are either chemical imbalances in the brain, or an issue in the way that your brain sends/receives certain signals. While we could go into depth on the actual molecular pathways utilized for this to happen, the basic gist you have to understand is that there is a physical cause for mental illness; an individual does not have a mental illness just “because”. Thus, similar to getting the flu, developing cancer, or having hypertension, a mental illness is caused by some bodily interaction. Because these various illnesses are synonymous in that they originate similarly, just as there is nothing wrong with going to a doctor for the flu, there is nothing wrong with going to the doctor for a mental illness. Likewise, just as it is okay to take medicine for the flu, there is nothing wrong with taking medicine for your mental health. Do not think that you are doing something wrong or not being “strong” for seeking help for a mental health issue. Psychologists (therapists), psychiatrists (doctors that prescribe medicines such as anti-depressants), and other mental professionals are all here for one reason: to use their scientific knowledge to help YOU.

​By Krishan Guzzo