Today, June 3rd, the American exchange students had the pleasure of being accompanied by their French counterparts to intense games of Lasertag. Broken up into teams of ten, teams were tasked with racking up the most amount of kills in a two periods of 20 minutes each. After a brief instructional video on how to use all the equipment (which none of us understood), we suited up and headed out into battle. The matches were intense. So intense that all the rules quickly went out the window, giving way to full on sprinting, crouching, crawling, and close quarters combat. Despite our team’s lack of experience in the laser tag world, we were able to completely annihilate our adversaries. Louis Du Portal, Myself, and Enoch Kuan were able to dominate the field, winning first, second, and third respectively. We left the oven-like battlefield drenched in sweat, looking forward to our well earned break. However, we were thrust into yet another game…. This could not end well for us. Long story short, we were bested by our more well rested opponents. I don’t like to pin the blame on any one, but Katie and Callie were able to achieve a combined -5600 points. All jokes aside, everyone had a blast (pun intended)!
Wow! George, I love the detail on your post. Thanks for the update!