Day 1 by Naomi

Today we visited Ste. Ursule and got an official tour of the school. We saw the many different classrooms they had to offer in addition to how it benefits the students. After having a tour of the school, M. Jones led us on a tour of downtown Tours where we visited the street markets that are a great source of produce for the inhabitants. They had flowers, crepe stations, meats, and bread among other things. During this visit we were able to try many cuisines native to both France and/or Tours. Next, we went back to Ste. Ursule to have lunch with our exchange students. Some students went home for lunch, into town for lunch, or stayed at school for lunch. After, we went back to downtown Tours and shopped for a little bit. From there we went to the cathedral. The cathedral was quite big and had many intricate designs. These designs included many stain glass pieces that told the story of the founder of the cathedral. Finally, we went to the musée des beaux-arts. At this museum we saw the story of Jesus Christ portrayed through a series of paintings done by an Italian painter. Then our tour guide showed us paintings done by well known French painting, including Claude Monet.

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