We stayed inside this morning to watch Inside Out and reflect on the personifications of emotions. After the film, we began sketching ideas for our final project that will be presented at the end of DT. Then we hopped on a Charger bus (sans AC) for an afternoon excursion. Traveling to Eno River in Durham after lunch proved a long and tiresome journey, so some group members decided to use the time for a quick power nap. Once we arrived, we powered through twisted ankles, trekking through the trees, roots, and rocks on the most remote trail possible to find the perfect place for watercolor painting. We said hi to some welcome water friends, and some unwelcome ones as well. Nearly escaping certain death from a copperhead named Richard (according to Google it’s very unlikely to die from a copperhead bite but still), we made it back to CA in one piece.

turtle friends

two kanye songs and he was out cold

fearless leader escaping snake