Once students arrived, we headed outside to play some icebreaker games. First, we played WAH! The students gathered in a circle and one person started the game by raising their arms above their head and then lowering them as they yelled WAH! and pointed across the circle. The students abutting the student who received the WAH! moved to slash the person who received the WAH! with their arms. If each student recieved and slashed correctly, no one was ruled out. Then the process repeated and the student raised their arms above their head and yelled WAH! Students were ruled out if they forgot to slash, forgot to yell WAH! or forgot to yell WAH! Eventually, there were only two students remaining. At which point they participated in a moo-oof. Each student moooooed as loud and as low as they could and the students who had gotten out voted on the best mooer, who was ruled the victor. The game concluded at approximately 8:32 AM.
Then we went canoeing.