Day 5 marked the final day of planning as we prepared to embark on our long-awaited endeavor to the Carmax headquarters located in Richmond, Virginia. The day began with some final remarks by our leader, Mr. Gozon, as he taught us some final tidbits about the consulting industry. We learned of the acronym “MBB”, which stands for McKinsey, Bain, and Boston Consulting Group – the three powerhouses of the management consulting firm. With a focus on Bain, we learned of the rigorous and laborious lifestyle of a management consultant. Along with the incredible compensation and lavish travels comes a lifestyle filled to the brim with tiring work that consumes all of your time. Nevertheless, the job description sounded utterly captivating. As an exercise,  Mr. Goozn had us draw a map of the U.S, which included all timezones and major cities, from memory. This exercise was meant to show which cities major firms were located in and how these firms work to form teams on short notice. We then began to learn about Mr. Gozon’s consulting company so that we could further prepare for tomorrows journey. We learned that just as Mr. Gozon’s firm does, we will be working to find a new employee for Carmmax. We learned of the possessions under the CEO, such as the CFO, CMO, COO, CIO, HR, and CSO. After each being assigned one of these roles, we prepared questions to ask Carmax regarding their perfect candidate for the role of Director of Business Incubation and Innovation. Some questions included, “who does this role report to?” “What is the career progression potential?’ And,  “What is the role’s content and responsibilities?” We all look forward to interviewing members of the Carmax headquarters and hope to meet the CEO tomorrow!