For the past two days, the head of the Audience Development department has been gone for a surgery, so today we started the day off by making a podcast for her to update her on the week. In the podcast, we did a would you rather (live in below 0 temperature of 100 temperature always — sounded like a lose-lose to us)!
After we finished recording we saw the WRAL helicopter land on the nearby roof!
here’s a video of the landing: IMG_1406
Then, I met Jay, who is a part of the documentary team. I got to see the awesome documentary series that he’s working on – I can’t wait until it comes out! Then, we took a break for lunch and I met with Jaida again!
When I returned, I helped film some B-roll for an in-house video project. Finally, I sat down with Katie, who works for WRAL from a more advertising perspective. Overall, I really enjoyed my time at WRAL!