For the past two days, the head of the Audience Development department has been gone for a surgery, so today we started the day off by making a podcast for her to update her on the week. In the podcast, we did a would you rather (live in below 0 temperature of 100 temperature always — sounded like a lose-lose to us)!

After we finished recording we saw the WRAL helicopter land on the nearby roof!

here’s a video of the landing: IMG_1406

Then, I met Jay, who is a part of the documentary team. I got to see the awesome documentary series that he’s working on – I can’t wait until it comes out! Then, we took a break for lunch and I met with Jaida again!

When I returned, I helped film some B-roll for an in-house video project. Finally, I sat down with Katie, who works for WRAL from a more advertising perspective. Overall, I really enjoyed my time at WRAL!

Day Seven: WRAL

Today I started the day with a production meeting, where everyone in our team shared what they were working on for the rest of this week. Then, I spent some time with Anita, who was working on a final edit for a project that is airing in about two weeks. Then, I took a lunch break with Jaida!

Finally, I ended the day by meeting some talent for a potential TV show and helping to give them a tour of WRAL! Overall, it was a pretty chill day because the entire team is doing a night shoot at 9:00 tonight! I’m excited to be back for my last day tomorrow.

Day Six: WRAL

Today I started the day by visiting Mandy Mitchell, who showed me the newsroom and explained to me her job at WRAL. It was really interesting to see the various ways that video is incorporated here at WRAL. For example, Mandy has a two-week turnaround, whereas much of the news team must turn around products the same day.

Then, I did a relatively irregular task: I de-bugged lights… literally. A recent shoot was near a river with a ton of bugs that flew into their lights, so we took the lights apart and cleaned out all the bugs! Then we took a break for lunch, and I ate outside by the gardens!

When we returned, I met with Allison Blevins, who is a local producer who creates commercials for nearby businesses. Finally, I ended the day with a tour of MIX 101.5, the radio station (which is in a nearby facility).

Day Five: WRAL

Today was my first day at WRAL! I started the day with a tour of WRAL – which took a while because the entire studio is huge! On my tour, I saw Jaida Jett which was super fun because we had no idea that we were both at WRAL for the week! We settled in Cliff’s office space in the more digital side of WRAL and I was able to meet the rest of his team.

Then, he went into a meeting to get one of his commercials approved, and we went to make editing changed to the same commercial. After that, we loaded some equipment into a car (which was more challenging than you would think because video equipment is huge)!

Then we went out to lunch – there are a lot of restaurants that are walking distance from WRAL so we were able to walk over to Ba Da Wings. Finally, we ended the day with a creative meeting (with all the teams together). Today was really interesting because everyone was really nice to me and really cared about what I was interested in. I talked to one of the interns at WRAL and talked to him about his college search/process which was very helpful since I’m in the middle of that same process!

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