Day 8

Today was my last day of the work experience program and I spent it at Lucid Dream, a virtual reality company in downtown Durham. We started off the day shadowing about half of the employees as they worked on their assigned projects and talked to us for a bit of time. After seeing most of the aspects and worker types, Joshua who was the co-founder of the company, took us out to lunch in the city. Afterwards, Kaitlyn and I were able to test a VR project that needed to be used for one of their clients. Like Field2Base, this company was also using the same method of programming that included Stand-ups and grooming. Today, they were in a phase of actually testing an application but to try and find errors in the code. Kaitlyn and I were able to find a few before our instructors decided that they had found all of the significant errors. Afterwards, we said our thanks to Josh and some of the employees and headed out for the day.


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