Lenovo Day 7

Day 7 began rather slowly, especially for Felipe.  While we initially didn’t have anything to do, we were eventually given emails that people would receive if there was a security threat detected on their network.  We looked through each one, and then helped Brett write a brief synopsis of the email and any errors that we found.  Jack also played around with an eye tracker that Greyson had given us, which was quite interesting to watch, as it allows everyone around you to see where you are looking on the screen.

I mean you can’t really see it here, but there is a little grey bubble indicated where Jack is looking.

After finishing that short project, the representative from Medion came in.  He is from Germany, and actually arrived a few days ago, but he brought us interns some German candy, theoretically from Germany.

Caramel covered in dark chocolate (Left) and a mix of lots of different Haribo products (Right).

After sitting around for a bit, Felipe finally decided to show up to work, and we began some real work.  Greyson came over and talked to us about what would probably be “the most important thing we did during this internship”.  While he did also say that that might not be totally true, it was going to be important.  Our task was to look at the current version of Lenovo Vantage Gaming, which is on all of the Lenovo Legion computers.  The little battery icon in the bottom right of the screen is a actually a Vantage toolbar, on both versions of the app.  However, Greyson (and perhaps others) wanted to know if we thought that it should be different on the gaming version, and if so, what should be different.  So, we looked at the current version, and started brainstorming in a group.

Now, everyone knows that you can’t brainstorm effectively if you haven’t eaten, so a little while after starting our research, we headed out to get some pizza.  The pizza place was actually right next to the Tropical Smothie Cafe that we got lunch at yesterday.  The slices that we got were huge, and I mean huge, while the drinks, well, they were just normal sized.

Here we are, just eating some pizza.

After returning from lunch, our brainstorming and creating mock ups of the toolbar continued.  We finished the presentation by about 15:00, and headed down to the far corner of the second floor to present.  We ended up presenting to Greyson and a new college intern named Brad.  I would say the presentation went quite well, and Greyson liked the work we had done.  After that, our penultimate 7th day was over.

Leaving the meeting room after the meeting.

Lenovo Day 3

Today started out just like the last with everyone arriving at or a little after 9:00 while getting our devices connected to the internet and waiting for Greyson to give us our tasks for the day. Unlike yesterday which was relaxing due to the “Hardware Testing”, today we were given tasks left and right. Our first task included learning if two pairs of accessories, which consisted of a k500 keyboard and an m500 mouse, would use and connect to the same software as the beta version of Legion’s very own version of Vantage which, for the sake of avoiding a tongue twister, I will call Legion’s Vantage Beta. We all tested the accessories by plugging them into two different computers and checking Legion’s Vantage Beta to see if they were able to be manipulated through it. Upon discovering that the keyboard and mouse used different software than Legion’s Vantage Beta we began to dissect the different features of each software, all the while we created a powerpoint presentation which included screenshots of the differences, notes on any bugs or errors we found, and any personal suggestions of what we think would improve both pieces of software.

After completing our first task Greyson mentioned that there was a Lenovo Software Showcase that was going to be taking place at 2:00 which we would all have to leave at 1:30 for. On top of this news, Greyson also wanted us to prepare two top-of-the-line computers for the showcase meaning that not only would we have to work fast so we could get the updates done in time (it was 12:15 at this point) but we also had to budget in time for the best lunch so far… a not so sketchy Chipotle.

By the time we returned to the office we only had 20 minutes to finish any updates that we might have left and put the computers back into their original cases which we finished quickly enough so that we had a few minutes of free time playing VR. When 1:30 finally rolled around we all had our 2 computers set and ready to go and we had everything else packed up when Greyson informed us that the showcase was on Lenovo’s second campus 10 minutes away inside building 8! Not only did we have to find this other campus, park, and set up the table in 30 minutes, but we also had to decide who was driving with who and who would take the computers with them to the showcase as Greyson said that after 3:00 we were all free to leave for the day. I decided to go with Jono as Felipe and Jack both drove separately and my father needs to use the car for work so the obvious solution to the organizational issue was that I would carry the computers and carpool with Jono. This all seemed like a good plan however it went poorly fairly quickly. The first issue wasn’t so much an issue as it was an awkward situation as Jono and I, both obviously interns to anyone around us, had to walk by the front desk and out the main entrance carrying two state-of-the-art computers totaling probably over $1,000. Luckily for us, no one asked any specific questions as to why two high schoolers were leaving with such valuable equipment.

Me, not so stealthily, leaving Lenovo for the showcase with the very expensive equipment.

The second issue was that once we finally found parking at lot 8, we were able to find Jack Todd but Felipe and Greyson were nowhere in sight. After Jono gave Felipe a call, we soon learned that, apparently, the showcase was actually going on in building 6. At this point it was 1:53 and the three of us were panicking trying to return to our cars so we could drop off the computers in time and after a few wrong turns, we found Greyson waiting outside for us and Jono dropped me off so that I could run in and set everything up while he parked. By the time that we had finished setup, I looked at my watch and realized we had arrived with 1 minute to spare. The rest of the day’s events were relatively uneventful as we all went around to the different tables at the showcase learning about the various pieces of software being showcased. Jono, Felipe, and Jack left not long after 3:00 but my parents were running late so I ended up staying until the end, 4:00. Overall, we all had a fun and productive day with various ups and downs. I think we all are excited about what the days ahead will bring.

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