Day 6

Today was another great day at the office. I once again shadowed Dr. Zimmerman. While today was mostly like the rest we saw a plethora of ear infections. One kid even had an infection in both ears! Different from today; however, I met someone who was against vaccines. Not entirely, but wanted to wait until the children were over 1 and walking. This was not possible though because you are supposed to get three sets of three vaccines each at 2,4,&6 months. It is also a Cary Pediatrics policy that kids who don’t get vaccinated must find a new care provider as they are putting other newborns at high risks when they are exposed. Dr. Zimmerman did a great job at easing the mom into the idea both firmly and understanding where the mom was coming from. In the end the mother was convinced to give each child a shot to see how they do to it and then come back in two weeks to do the same and so on and so on till the children are caught up (which will be a while as they are just over 6 months aka missing 9 vaccines). All in l good job Dr. Zimmerman and I am looking forward to returning to Dr. Seidel tomorrow!


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