Day 8 – Goodbyes

On my last day at the courthouse, Judge Davidian sent me to Jerry Springer court.  Courtroom 4C is always full of special cases, and today was no different.  I got to observe the crazy happenings.  Mostly it was people trying to get temporary restraining orders on their spouses.  In one case, the defendant thought having a restraining order placed on him made it so that his wife couldn’t contact him.  He willfully accepted the restraining order, even after being informed of the reality.  In the afternoon, I watched cases in 5C.  This was one ongoing case that involved a Termination of Parental Rights.  In TPR cases, the county intervenes with a child’s life because they believe there was wrongdoing. In these cases, there are three parties instead of two: County, Defendant, and a Guardian ad Litem.  The latter is a child advocate who helps articulate what would be the best for the child in that situation.

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