WEP Day 7 @ Lindy Biosciences

Today was rather relaxing.  In the morning I helped prep some SEC samples and I helped clean the lab.  Cleaning the lab didn’t take as long as I expected, and was surprisingly relaxing.  This afternoon I learned about chemical engineering, and messed around with dry ice.

I’m very excited to see what will happen tomorrow, but I also wish the program was longer.  So far I have really enjoyed work experiencing at Lindy Biosciences.  I have learned a lot about science and product development, as well as the business aspects of the start-up.

WEP Day 6 @ Lindy Biosciences

Karl Fisher Machine

Today was really interesting.  I rehydrated and analyzed the ovalbumin I microglassified using the UV spectrometer, and tried using the Karl Fisher machine.  I also got photographed as part of the documentation of the work experience program.  In the afternoon I was able to compare the UV spectrometer data from the microglassified ovalbumin to the data from rehydrated freeze dried ovalbumin.  As part of this analysis I learned about standard deviation and how to add it to excel graphs.  I also learned about calculating error and how errors propagate through equations.  Today was really cool, as I was able to learn about the different tools researchers and scientists use to analyze data.

WEP Day 5 @ Lindy Biosciences

Today, I finally got to try Microglassifying a protein.  I mocroglassified ovalbumin, a protein found in eggs.  It was really cool, but a little stressful.  Afterwards I was able to look at the microglassified protein under a microscope.

I also found out why teachers tell you to never measure liquids with a beaker or flask.  One of the large flasks in the lab (it was a 4 liter flask) had completely wrong volume lines.  Although the 2000ml mark was correct, the following lines were completely wrong.  Overall today was very exciting and filled with new experiences.

WEP Day 4 @ Lindy Biosciences

Today was pretty exciting.  I did more UV spectroscopy as well as gas spectroscopy.  I also learned about the columns used in size exclusion chromatography and how the different dimensions (length and width) affect the resolution and length of time it takes to analyze a sample.  I really enjoyed practicing the things I learned previously and learning new information about the equipment in the lab.

Overall, I really enjoyed my first week at Lindy Biosciences.  I have really enjoyed learning about all the different pieces of equipment and processes that are used in their lab.  I also really like learning about the business and marketing side of research.  Even though there are not many people at the company, I feel like I have been able to learn a lot about all the different parts of start-up companies as well as product development.

WEP Day 3 @ Lindy Biosciences

This morning a pipette vender came and talked about the benefits of the pipette tips he was selling.  It was very interesting to hear about all the technology that goes into the basic lab equipment that scientists use every day.  Later today I rehydrated the ovalbumin I previously microglass-ified and analyzed it with UV spectroscopy and prepared it for size-exclusion chromatography.  Although I did not do much today, at least compared to yesterday, I enjoyed being able to practice UV spectroscopy and learning about size-exclusion chromatography.

WEP Day 1 @ Lindy Biosciences

Today was the first day of the work experience program.  I went to Lindy Biosciences, a development-stage protein therapeutic formulations company, located in the Research Triangle Park.  This company is a two year old start up with novel Microglassification^TM technology.

While Microglassification is a very long and complex word, their technology involves dehydrating proteins into a stable bead shaped solid.  Proteins normally contain a large quantality of water which increases their weight. Microglassification removes much of this water resulting in a fine power.

Normally during drug delivery large amounts of proteins require delivery through an IV; however, Microglassification allows solid protein “balls” to be injected with a needle subcutaneously (under the skin).  This would allow patients to receive medicine as a quick shot instead of a long IV treatment.

After only two years, Lindy Biosciences have an impressive list of clients, containing some of the top pharmaceutical companies.  I can’t wait to continue my internship and get to help in their lab tomorrow.


WEP Day 2 @ Lindy Biosciences

I was thrilled to work in the Lindy Biosciences lab for the first time.  Today I learned how to use a UV spectrometer.  I found the standard curve of ovalbumin.  I had been recommended before the start of this program, by actual biological researchers, that I should get experience working in a lab.  After working in a lab all day, I can say with some measure of confidence that I do not hate lab work.

The spectroscopy was very repetitive (I had 17 samples I needed to analyze), but it was also quite exciting.  After lunch, I was able to see the results of the analysis and it was very gratifying.  Adam was able to find the extinction coefficient of the samples of ovalbumin at a particular wavelength based off of my results.  I was very happy to hear that I did not have to redo the analysis and the results were helpful.

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