Day 2 – Only Spanish I Guess

Today was a hard one – that is safe to say. Although I was scared that I would arrive late today, I actually arrived early – meaning I had extra time to talk to Mr. Herrera.

Yesterday, he found out I’ve been to Argentina and I “speak” Spanish, so this morning he decided to give me a new task rather than just learning about Curamericas. My new task is translating the whole website to Spanish. The. Whole. Website. Safe to say, I am unsure when I will be able to finish this task – I (un)fortunately have gotten done with 3 pages over an 8 hour period. Not nearly close to the 50 pages I need to finish (there might be more, I haven’t counted yet). There’s also the worry that I’m not using correct grammar in my Spanish. But, since I’m just translating the website and there is bound to be words I’m unsure of – spanishdict is ok in this situation. In some ways though, I’m quite thankful for this new task. I feel like I’m being a lot more useful than I would’ve been by just reading about Curamericas. And by reading the website, in order to translate it, I’m basically reading about Curamericas. So it’s two tasks in one.

Just like yesterday, we had our daily intern meeting. Except today it was just a quick overview of what everyone was doing. Then it was back to work. I can’t say that we do much else than sit in our conference room and stare at a computer screen, but that is basically the job I guess. And of course, we got to go get lunch. Today I picked juice keys to get an açaí bowl and a coffee, while Kaela picked Chipotle. Basically just a bunch of driving to different places.

That was my Wednesday!


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