Fourth Day Fun- Puppy Spot

After our lunch break today (durng which I tried matcha for the first time… not my favorite haha) we sat in on a zoom meeting about one of FWV’s newest clients: Puppy Spot! Puppy Spot is an online marketplace that connects certified, reputable breeders to families looking for puppies. The meeting was cool to listen in on because it provided contrast on how the company starts off their relationships with clients, compared to their ongoing relationships with clients like Wrangler. This brainstorm session discussed various unique and exciting ways to make the company more well-known and accesible to everyday consumers!

my iced matcha from lunch
the zoom meeting discussing puppy spot

Third Day Thrills

This morning once Kendyl, Sonia, Linda and I arrived at the office we met with Senior Account Executive – Ms. Hollyn Page. We shadowed her all morning and got to sit in on various meetings/conference calls discussing the agency’s oldest (and one of their largest) clients: Wrangler. The most interesting meeting, in my opinion, was one between her and Ms. Lauren French going over their notes from “Market Week”. This hectic week consists of conference calls with magazines and other publications discussing their potential interest in featuring items from the newest collection. We even got a sneak peek of the look book for a collab between Wrangler and a popular clothing brand (one we all love clothes from but cannot name since it hasn’t launched yet), so we got to see the unreleased collection!

notes from last year’s “market week” after meeting with Associate Fashion Editor – Danielle Flum of Cosmopolitan
sonia and I with a wrangler sign – George Strait

Second Day Shenanigans

Today was our first day going into the office in downtown Raleigh! Once we arrived at the office this morning Ms. Alaina Ruggery gave us a tour of the building and introduced us to some of her coworkers. We got to sit in on a weekly “creative status” meeting: members of the creative, social, and account teams all debriefed on finished/upcoming projects for clients, as well as, discussed due dates.

creative status at the glass table

Afterward, we met up with Senior Project Manager – Erin and Senior Producer – Deegan. They discussed with us where their interest in the field stemmed from: senior producer, Deegan, did not originally go to school for production and videography but fell into it and loved it at a previous job. Our discussion also led to a riveting conversation about the lack of women in production, videography, editing in this male-dominated field.

sonia getting her headshot taken by the infamous brick wall!

After getting our headshots taken, we took a lunch break, and when we returned we had a debrief with Ms. Alaina Ruggery before continuing our shadowing experiences with Senior Account Executive – Rachel. Rachel discussed with us the differences between her job on the account team in comparison to those on the creative team. She highlighted that what she loves most about the job is how every day is something different and exciting due to the versatility of the agency. We learned this does come with the flipside of the difficulty in juggling the wants and needs of different clients across the US and the globe! After loading her with questions specific to her job and regarding different FWV projects and clients (such as their work with Wrangler and the V Foundation), our first day in the office came to an end! Tomorrow, Kendyl, Sonia, Linda, and I look forward to shadowing more company employees in different areas of the office!

selfie with george strait – wrangler advertisement
our work space up at the front!

Day 1 at FWV!

Today, we started off the morning on a Zoom call with our WEP coordinator and Social Media Manager at French West Vaughan, Alaina Ruggery- below is a picture of us all on the call! She gave us an informative overview of what our time at FWV will be like, what it’s like working there, and taught us all about the different aspects of the firm. We learned about the four different teams at French West (social, digital, account, and creative!) and what they do- later this week, the plan is for us to be able to shadow the managers/directors of each of those teams! We also learned what a RFP is (request for proposal), and how it plays a part in the process of French West Vaughan attaining clients.

Later in the afternoon, we got to individually explore the websites and socials of different French West Vaughan clients- from Pendleton Whiskey to Wrangler Network. We also got to look at different case studies and blogs from the firm. Tomorrow we plan to be able to visit the firm in person and shadow people from different teams.

Day 9!

Today was an exciting morning! I started the day by FINALLY finishing entering all the information from the “Enter to Win” slips into the Excel. When I was done, it was time for the pizza party! They had a pizza party to celebrate National Intern Day (a day early). After that was over, I was introduced to a machine that made the little girl inside of me who wanted to work in the post office very happy!!! I spent the rest of the day using this machine (which stamps envelopes and closes them). Look at how many I did!

Day 6!!!!!!

Today I worked Summerfest. Summerfest is a concert series that happens every summer and is sponsored by the NC Symphony. Usually the orchestra plays, but this time it was beach music. Beach music is a genre I had never heard of before but it was interesting. My responsibilities included setting up the marketing booth, picking out who won the contest for “Picnic of the Week”, drawing the winner for  “Enter to Win”, etc. It was an awesome experience!

Day 4!

Although my tasks have been the same every day, here are the updates on what was different:

  • I attended the Marketing meeting where they planned their advertising for the August and September shows. This allowed me to see the budgeting of their advertisement and the things they took into consideration.
  • I ate lunch with the other interns in the kitchen (but with food from the sandwich shop across the hall). It was nice to talk to them and they gave me lots of advice about college.

Tomorrow we’ll set stuff up for Summerfest which I’ll be working Saturday.

Day 1 at the Symphony!

I started my first day of this internship in one of the fanciest buildings I have ever seen in North Carolina… it made me so nervous! When I first got there, I got a tour of the office and got to meet everyone who works there. Afterwards, we set up the computer I was using and my desk. I got right to work on two tasks. The first was an archiving any articles that mention the NC Symphony. This took a long time and I have even more to do tomorrow. The second was typing up the information written on these giveaway cards into an excel. At around 2pm, I went to go grab lunch at the restaurant across the hall. It was one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had! After getting back, I worked some more and left at 4pm. It was a great and busy first day!

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