Today I spent a majority of my time at camp contacting places to hang the poster I created in the morning. In my morning meeting with Mr. Rothrock, we discussed fixed vs. variable costs. We talked about how discounts work, and what the expense of giving away a free camp is. We also talked about the most effective way to market discounts, which eventually led me to creating a poster as a marketing attempt. I created a poster, which I am quite proud of!

Mr. Rothrock had to leave before I finished the poster, because he is working on opening the Holly Springs campus before June 18th. Even though he did not get to see the poster, I look forward to showing him on Monday! After creating the poster, I contacted local community environments to hang my creation! This was a very eye opening experience for me. First of all, I cannot believe it is so problematic to hang a poster in some of the places I called! I contacted 11 libraries in total, only receiving permission to hang the poster in three of them. The three I received permission to hang posters in were regional libraries. The other libraries that I contacted were small local libraries, and they said they were not comfortable promoting an organization that was not a non-profit organization. I then contacted approximately a dozen local private elementary schools with hopes of displaying the posters on campus. I only heard back positive results from 3 schools, but left voicemails for 4 others, which I hope to hear back from on Monday. After my morning of contacting schools, libraries and local coffee shops with community boards, I headed back into the classroom to say goodbye to the campers. Today is Friday, which means this camp session is over.

Though I’ll miss them dearly, I look forward to next week and the exciting new kids I’ll get to meet!