Day 7 – Helping out around campus

In our second day of searching it didn’t take us long to find the tablet we were looking for and once we found it, we celebrated. With that task out of the way I helped students and teachers alike resolve their computer problems if they bought or still had their computers. While helping out one of the major perks was that i had the opportunity to try out the new computers for next year. With a host of computer savvy people around me i had a great chance to talk about all the aspects of the computer and some of its amenities (of which there are many). A highlight ,however, was that I got to use a floppy disk and see how it works which was quite interesting. Overall a good day of helping out around the school and using some cool tech.


Day 4 – It’s always the last box

The 4th day of my work experience started off like normal. I got in for the day and helped out around the IS department, helped Mr. Rokuskie box up charging cords, and also attempted to trace discrepancies in the tablet purchase sheets. This all was quite normal until it was realized after a count of the boxes that there was one more tablet somewhere in the wall of boxes that didn’t belong. We counted a few times all 240 tablets but the database had 239 registered. Someone might simply say “well, just register one more in the database”, but we needed the serial number and had to register the specific missing tablet. We spent a while opening boxes and checking for them in the database each one after the other came back as registered. After searching through almost 25 boxes of tablets I opened the last box and pulled out the first tablet. I read the serial number and was about to put it back in the box until i heard “Its not on the list!” and of course we found the tablet we were looking for in the very last box.


(the stack of boxes we searched through)



Day 3 – donations

With more computer Re-Imaging to do on my third day I got in and got to the grindstone, or the USB drives and keyboards in this sense. While I cruised through the tablets I needed to work on to be donated i started to slow down due to the quality and stickers on some tablets becoming questionable. Nevertheless I procured better quality tablets throughout the day and got all my assigned work done. Ontop of re-imaging the tablets I also had a lot of fun helping the others in the IS department move boxes of tablets waiting to be sent to Lenovo. Although we got the tablets loaded up we had time to chat and had a great time while loading the boxes.

(seen below is the legendary IS department whiteboard with useful vocab words)


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