Today I worked more with the indoor-outdoor trim. I finished tagging and putting the trim on hooks.
There was also a cart full of trim. I had to order all the trim by color
The order of the colors.The trim in color order. It looks like a mess, but it isn’t.
Once done with that, I had to hang them onto the grid. That was the hardest part, having to choose what trims went next to each other and how to transition to the next color. Also, not everything fit on the wall.
So much trim! I had to figure out what trim was discontinued, then label each different pattern and color and put them on hooks. I also took down hooks with labels from black grids, because Kensi wanted white grids in the indoor-outdoor section.
My second day at A. Hoke Limited the other intern, Beckett, and I finished hanging the textiles for the indoor-outdoor section.
Warning- image is for some reason upside down
We then had to reorder another section, taking all the textiles down and rehanging them in the opposite order than they had been.
For the majority of the day, we pulled discontinued textiles. It took over three hours to pull all the textiles, and some we couldn’t find.
Once done with that, I started sorting two boxes of trim from the previous indoor-outdoor section, throwing away about half the trim since it was from a company that no longer exists. I began figuring out what trim was still available, and what had been discontinued.
Today was my first day at A. Hoke Limited, a To The Trade showroom for interior designers. After a quick tour around the facility, I helped Kensi put some new accessories out on the floor. We had four pairs of pillows, two pairs of ottomans, and three side tables to find places for. Once we did that, I labeled some of the new textile collection books, making sure every book in the room had a label.
When I was done with that, I helped another intern sort indoor-outdoor textiles by color for the new section of the showroom. She had been working on it for a while, so I just helped with the neutral colors. White, beige, brown, grey-beige, grey, black; after a while, they all start to look the same, so we had a tough time. A previous intern had been retrieving the indoor-outdoor textiles from all the other sections of the showroom, which are sorted by brand, but someone had found some still in one of the sections, so I had to go searching for any textiles made from 100% Acrylic or 100% Polyethylene.
Warning- photo is upside down.
For the last few minutes, I started helping to find textiles that had been discontinued, so we could take them off the floor so no one would try to buy them.
To start off my work experience, I spent the day with Ms. Clarkson at Cary Academy. We visited the three most recent renovations in the Upper School: the collabalounge, US office, and U105. These three places are often overlooked and taken for granted, but Ms. Clarkson and I were able to discuss the intricate design plans that took months, perhaps years, to fabricate. The main task that I tackled today was a CA-Themed design challenge. All of the US classrooms have gotten new furniture by now, except for U126. U126 is located in the far corner of sophomore hall and serves as a history classroom. Because of all the new furniture that will need to be purchased for the new STEM building, no new furniture can be purchased for U126. However, there are several leftover tables from the original ‘pilot’ furniture that can be used. With 4 Fusion tables and 6 ThumbPrint tables, I was tasked with brainstorming various layouts in which the room could be arranged. In addition, I researched the effects of different paint colors on mood (i.e. stimulating, soothing, etc.), and I began to research their effects on brain function. Below, are images of some of the layouts I created and a snip-it of my research on color.