SAS Day 2 – Meetings and Demos

My second day at SAS was jam-packed with meetings and things to learn. I started the day off per-usual at 10:00 o’clock meeting with Christie Dougherty in the lobby of building Q. From there we went to a conference room and called so potential job candidate to schedule in-person interviews for them and their potential managers. Next, I went to Kayla’s office with another co-worker to jump in on a call with a representative from Handshake.  Handshake is a platform that allows business and college students connect so that the recruiting process for business becomes painless. Typically, businesses have to post jobs at every college separately, but Handshakes platform allows businesses to post the job just once and it goes to all of the colleges the business would like to post the job at. The whole purpose of this meeting was for the representative at Handshake to explain, present and demo the platform to Kayla and the Recruiting team at SAS because they are currently looking for new ways to keep up with the new technologically advanced recruiting methods.  Listening in on this demo was awesome because I learned so much about Handshake and the ease that it provides for both businesses and student. It gives me excitement knowing that I will probably be using this platform when I am in college looking for a job or internship. After the meeting, we headed to Building T for a delicious lunch with some of the Tech Support Academy Graduates. After lunch, I met with Danielle Pavliv the director of diversity and inclusion at SAS. From there she talked about her job and what she does a diversity and inclusions director at SAS. After talking for a little we headed to a meeting on how SAS can connect with Historically Black Colleges and Universities. At the meeting, we were planning a day for students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to come and tour SAS and learn about the careers SAS has to offer. Overall I would say that day to was a very busy and successful day. I look forward to day 3!!

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