Today, I visited the internal and external communications division. For internal, I got to participate in a video watching/critiquing meeting. It was really cool getting to see pre-released videos and giving my thoughts on the problems I saw as well as giving my perspective on how SAS could use each video. It was also really cool being able to listen to the other people in the meeting, since some of them were calling in from Canada and the UK. During the afternoon, all the interns and most of the CA WEP students went to listen to a presentation on data for good. I thought that the idea of being able to help people globally and being allowed to give SAS any data, and have them give you information on that data was super interesting. After the presentation, I decided to go up and ask the presenter how I could contribute, since this project of theirs was still fairly new. He told me how I could start a club at CA, and how he was willing to help in anyway he can to facilitate that process. Today, I really got to be active and be engaged which made the day really fun.