Day 2 – Shadowing Jon Mulder and All Hands on Deck Meeting!

Today I shadowed Jon Mulder, a content developer who plays a large role in Lenovo’s equivalent of the App Store, which is called Lenovo App Explorer. I was also able to meet some of his associates, Christianna, Naomi, Ryan, and David, who also play critical roles in either the App Explorer or the development lab. I was also able to speak with Christianna and Naomi a bit about the work that they do on a global scale, communicating with Brazil, Japan, and China, just to name a few. They also told me about some of the scholarships that Lenovo offers, and they also told me about a great workshop that I will try to attend later in the week, which is a workshop about the language C++. After talking with them, Jon and I drove over to the other Lenovo campus where I got to meet Igor Bergman, the VP Head of Software & Cloud Business at Lenovo, and I was able to shake his hand and tell him a little about myself and the Work Experience Program, before he gave a huge presentation to ~100 people while we all ate pizza (second day in a row for pizza, I’m not complaining). Great day, and I even got a free cup promoting the release of their latest product, Airclass (which released yesterday)!!!

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