Argentina or lack thereof

Today I was supposed to board a flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina, but due to a transportation strike (in Argentina) my flight was canceled. I am very upset, but I guess that gives me more time to figure out how to make my suitcase weigh 50 pounds instead of 60. These strikes are not abnormal and it is not my first time experiencing it either. When I was on my way home from my trip to Argentina, last year, my flight was canceled for 3 days because of a strike! I was okay with the cancellation the first time as that meant more time with my friends and family in Argentina, but now I am upset as I am having too much time with my friends and family in the United States. These strikes not only affect the airport but many of the streets in Argentina as well. Prior to knowing about my canceled flight, my host family sent me a text saying that they would not be able to pick me up at the airport because the roads are all closed for the protests. According to some news articles, these strikes happen so that the people of Argentina can protest the economic policies of the current President, Mauricio Macri.

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