Day 5

A new week, a new story at Indy Week! Today I drafted an article updating readers on the city’s participatory budgeting initiative, which allotted the three city wards $2.4 million — $800,000 per ward — to spend on community improvement projects. The catch? Anyone studying or living within Durham, albeit only those ages 13 and up, decided where the money will go. The experiment in direct democracy was launched in May, and voting continued through PB Durham’s website and physical polling stations until May 31. We don’t know the results yet, and getting that info is one of my main goals for this article. To that end, I requested information from the project’s managers and utilized Lara’s extensive notes (3,500 words!) on the topic. I also enlisted the help of Thomasi and his infinite knowledge of journalistic writing.

In addition to working on that story, I continued to help Thomasi with his research on crime within Durham. We called sources, found statistics from a new internet database, and even attempted to craft Thomasi an email signature (let’s just say that technological problems abounded with Outlook). As I worked, I enjoyed the rather pretty view of the post office– it looks something like a Greco-Roman temple– across the street.

Our view, partially obscured by the sidewalk-planted trees.

SAS Day 7 – Budgeting and More!!

The day started as usual at 10:00 o’clock in Building T. We were greeted by Lisa and taken to a staff meeting. It was really cool to learn that Lisa’s group has a weekly meeting to stay organized and keep everyone up to date on what’s going on and what needs to be done.  I thought that it was very important and beneficial that Lisa’s group has a staff meeting every week. After the staff meeting, we met with Joe to learn a little bit about Budgeting and forecasting. I found it very interesting to see how SAS budgets and forecasts. After meeting with Joe, we headed down to lunch with some of the interns. After lunch, we met with Tyler to learn about Internal Audit. After meeting with Tyler, we met with Claire and Eric to learn about intercompany. From there we went to Building Q for our daily coffee session with the interns. Overall day 7 was a wonderful day and I’m looking forward to a great last day.

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