Day 3

Today was a very busy day. I spent the majority of my day in meetings discussing the products that our hopefully future clients are looking to comission with Hyperspace. My first priority of the day was to take a look at the website that the developers had created for Oak City Amaretto and evaluate it. I took note of any bugs and then reported them to the Asana portal. I was only able to find a couple of things that weren’t correct, so that was fairly easy.

I started work on that around 8am and I was able to finish that around 9:00am and began to prepare for the meetings later in the day. My first conference call started at 11:00am and there we had a debrief on the clients that we would be talking to later that day. We went through their contracts and talked about their goals and how we could achieve them. Both companies had not signed to Hyperspace yet so we were trying to make sure that we understood what they were trying to accomplish. They both had created MVPs which are Minimum Viable Products and that is the first step in the process. Hyperspace creates the MVP to show a proof of concept and garner a general following behind the idea to assist with future investors. I can’t talk in great detail about what the two companies are working on, but they are both excited about the partnership and are ready for the development phase.

The first call started at 1:00pm, so I had just under an hour for lunch, and with the first company they wanted to discuss different ideas about how to make their proof of concept a reality. Comprised of a doctor at UNC and a teacher of the e-Lab at UNC, they both were really smart and had a clear vision of how they wanted to help children who are stuck in the hospital. They are working on a really cool project and I look forward to seeing the progress.

The second call of the day was at 3:00pm and this company was slightly ahead of the previous one. They already had the mock-ups of their MVP and wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page before the development of the app begins this Monday. Their project was very different but it was cool to see how the team worked through different issues and questions that arose. Tomorrow my day is very similar, and very packed. We have two different companies that we will be talking to tomorrow and hopefully they will soon be clients!

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