sas Day 8 – Final Day

Today is our last day at SAS, but unfortunately, Ms. Holland was feeling a bit under the weather so she couldn’t make it. Instead, we were introduced to a manager in the same building named Craig. Craig has been with SAS for a very long time. We talked to him in great depth about how he got to SAS, and it was quite an interesting story. We discussed many things, from how a team is managed to how a product is developed. We spent the first 2 hours of the day with him, but at noon Ryan and I had to get to bulding A. When we got there, we met our entire team from Cary Academy in a meeting room. We got our last lunch at SAS, and we went back up to the same meeting room. We started our presentations of the projects which we had started last week. Teo, David, and I were the first to present, and the presentation went well. The rest of the groups went after us, and they all did well too. Overall, I feel that my work experience at SAS was a great experience because it provided me with the perfect exposure to the corporate world, and I will definitely miss all the people I got a chance to get close with there.


sas Day 7

Today we met with a few more people in the developement department. First we met with Jerry to learn about developement on a different product, and he talked to us about what goes into developing a product. We also met with Max, a developer on the algorithmic and theoretic part of the product, which analyzes the data. Max talked to us about what he does and how. We also discussed colleges. Afterwards, we went to eat lunch in building A and we ran into Mrs. Jones from Cary Academy! After lunch, Paige took me and Ryan to go see Dr. Goodnight’s amazing gemstone collection. He has over 400 rare gemstones on display from all over the world. Unfortunately, tomorrow would be our last day in SAS’s technical field. We learned a lot, and headed home for the day.

sas Day 6

Today was our first day in Building U with Caitlyn Holland. We talked to her about her role as a member of the artificial intellegence testing group and how she got to where she is. We also talked about the proccess of how they release monthly updates to the SAS software. We then met with Scott Kell, a software developer at SAS. We discussed how he came about becoming a developer and the path he took. After speaking with him for an hour or so, we went to lunch with a few other people in Mrs. Holland’s department. Unfortunately, Ryan had to leave right after lunch, but he did miss out. I had a talk with the manager named Scott Royce. Scott talked to me about the business side of software, rather than the developing or testing side. It was interesting to see it from another point of view and he really helped me understand what goes behind a software other than the technical standpoint. After this, I observed Mrs. Holland run a few tests with the automatic testing software she developed. Then we called it a day, and I headed home.

Image result for sas institute cafeteria

sas Day 5

Today, we continued to work on last week’s project. We finished our planning and we went to go film. We found a creek and we recorded Teo as he filled the jerry can with water and told a few facts. We went back into the meeting room and we had pizza with our working lunch. Then, Dr. Mac came to see how everything was going, and obviously, everything was going great. The three of us then went upstairs to record a voiceover for our project, and we discussed our ideas with the supervisors. We then headed home for the day

Teo filling the water can as David records


sas Day 4

For the first half of the day, in groups, we tested out one of sas’s global awareness sites called GatherIQ. The site gives information about global issues which aren’t discussed enough or payed attention to. My group consisted of me, Teo, and Niki. We wrote a survey about the site’s performance and gave feedback.  After that, we went to lunch. After lunch, we were given a description for a new project. This project is to make a video and a challenge which spreads awareness of the lack of clean water in third world countries. We were given a bit of time to brainstorm how we would make this video and how we would market it in order to make it viral. My group for this project is me, Teo, and David. We came up with a few ideas for the project. Next week, we will continue to work on this project, and Ryan and I will go to building U to meet our new host.

sas Day 3

Today we met with two significant members in the developement process: Daniel and Dan. Daniel showed us some of the code he was working on and told us more about what goes behind making a software. Dan talked to us more about how to become a software developer and what it takes to be one. He also talked to us about his path on how he got to SAS and the different companies he worked for. After lunch, Ryan and I listened to a meeting from the sidelines of the meeting room. They discussed the importance of Agile, a software developement technique, and how they can use it more efficiently. Afterwards, we talked to some of sas’s current college interns and we discussed how they got there and what they like about the internship. Unfortunately, today was our last day in building R with Jess. Next we will start our project.

sas Day 2

Today is my second day at SAS. After working a little bit with Kelly, Beth, and JP, Ryan and I knew that we had to pay a visit to the break room, only to experience the sas culture of course. There were 2 types of m&ms, regular and peanut. Obviously, we got both. Each employee also receives a stuffed minion, which I thought was interesting. We met with a few more AI testers plus a User Interface designer. The AI testers, JP and Kelly, helped us understand the significance of Artificial Intelligence and how it works. The User Interface designer, Beth, helped us understand the crucial role she plays and what goes into her daily job. I learned a lot about what goes into developing a software. I can’t wait to learn more about it!

sas Day 1

My SAS internship finally started today. Today was mainly an introduction. Ms. Dougherty gave an informative presentation about SAS, where we learned about  the history, values, motto, and culture. My favorite SAS tradition that I learned about was M&M Wednesdays at SAS, where we found out that SAS is the largest corporate M&M consumer, at 11 tons of M&Ms per year. I recieved some M&Ms today as well! We also received notecards that explained some more of the history about SAS’s M7M tradition. After the introduction, we went to lunch. After lunch, we spent some time with our host, Ms. Jess Mayo. She explained her role at SAS and what she works on. Ms. Mayo works in the Software Research & Development team in SAS, and she is responsible for testing SAS’s software before it is released. I look forward to working with SAS in the next 2 weeks.

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