Day 9!

Today was an exciting morning! I started the day by FINALLY finishing entering all the information from the “Enter to Win” slips into the Excel. When I was done, it was time for the pizza party! They had a pizza party to celebrate National Intern Day (a day early). After that was over, I was introduced to a machine that made the little girl inside of me who wanted to work in the post office very happy!!! I spent the rest of the day using this machine (which stamps envelopes and closes them). Look at how many I did!

Day 6!!!!!!

Today I worked Summerfest. Summerfest is a concert series that happens every summer and is sponsored by the NC Symphony. Usually the orchestra plays, but this time it was beach music. Beach music is a genre I had never heard of before but it was interesting. My responsibilities included setting up the marketing booth, picking out who won the contest for “Picnic of the Week”, drawing the winner for  “Enter to Win”, etc. It was an awesome experience!

Day 4!

Although my tasks have been the same every day, here are the updates on what was different:

  • I attended the Marketing meeting where they planned their advertising for the August and September shows. This allowed me to see the budgeting of their advertisement and the things they took into consideration.
  • I ate lunch with the other interns in the kitchen (but with food from the sandwich shop across the hall). It was nice to talk to them and they gave me lots of advice about college.

Tomorrow we’ll set stuff up for Summerfest which I’ll be working Saturday.

Day 1 at the Symphony!

I started my first day of this internship in one of the fanciest buildings I have ever seen in North Carolina… it made me so nervous! When I first got there, I got a tour of the office and got to meet everyone who works there. Afterwards, we set up the computer I was using and my desk. I got right to work on two tasks. The first was an archiving any articles that mention the NC Symphony. This took a long time and I have even more to do tomorrow. The second was typing up the information written on these giveaway cards into an excel. At around 2pm, I went to go grab lunch at the restaurant across the hall. It was one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had! After getting back, I worked some more and left at 4pm. It was a great and busy first day!

Day 4: The Last Day at the Indy!

After NO traffic on the highway this morning, I was in a super good mood. As soon as I got into the office, I got an email from Ms. Rice about what I should work on during the day. She asked me to continue working on the article that I started yesterday and to write more posts for social media.

I fixed the edits she gave me for the article I wrote and reached out to another contact, and am awaiting his response.

For the social media accounts, I was tasked with writing a post for today, tomorrow, and Sunday. Go like them!

For lunch, Cate and I went to Toast, an Indy endorsed restaurant!

When we got back, I worked some more on my article and worked on finding another contact for it.

Day 3!

Today started with the least amount of traffic of all the days… YAY! Starting at 10am, I got an assignment from Mr. Billman. I researched what he requested up until lunchtime, writing 3,652 words on the topic! It was really cool because it reminded me of some of the nonprofit and service work that I do for CA through Beta (now, Delta).

For lunch, Cate and I went to Luna’s empanadas. Although it was a very good meal, the empanadas at Che are much better (shoutout to my part-time job!). Below you can see some pictures of that.

After we got back, I wrote the Instagram post that will be published today at 6:18pm, as well as a majority of the tweets that will be tweeted out on Sunday. I also interviewed someone and wrote a short article. Overall it was a good day, and I’m sad tomorrow will be my last day!

Day 2!

Today, and with less traffic, the day started. After having individual meetings with Mr.Billman, Cate and I worked on an article that will be written soon. Cate typed up facts as I researched them.

At 1pm, we sat in on the staff meeting and listened to all the cool topics they’re writing about. A lot of them were about local issues I had never heard about, and I’m very excited to read more about them!

Cate and I then headed to lunch at B. Good. It was a good lunch, even though it was interrupted by a fire alarm.

After we got back to the office, I talked with Ms. Rice, the food editor. She assigned me some work to do and I spent the rest of the day working on it. Some of that included transcribing an interview that was super interesting, making the Instagram post I’ve attached below (go like it!), and writing out the Twitter posts that will be published tomorrow.

It was an amazing day and I’m super excited for the rest of the week!

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