Day 8 – DeVivo and Sams

Today was a shorter day because the legislature had special programs for D-Day celebrations and as a result, we couldn’t really meet with as many officials.

We started off the day meeting with some of the Democratic Representatives and Senators and talked to them about their big win yesterday as that Governor’s Veto on the “Born Alive” bill was upheld. We then addressed some new plans regarding one of our clients with a Representative and shared the steps that needed to be taken to ensure that our client gets the funding they want.

After that we walked up to the State Capitol which was where the House session was held today in honor of D-Day. On our way up there were various reenactments from WWII and WWII vehicles and artillery. We briefly saw the Representatives flow into the House chamber and tried to meet with one last Representative on his way to catch him up on what happened in one of the meetings we had yesterday. This was the last thing on our agenda.

Overall I had an absolutely incredible experience. I went into this program still kind of unsure of what I wanted to do, but these two work experience programs has really cemented my interest in policy making and politics. I am so grateful that we had this opportunity, it was really eye opening for me, and I definitely recommend next year’s juniors to go for this opportunity. We are truly fortunate to have these resources and experiences.

House chamber in State Capitol
Old library in the State Capitol

Day 7 – DeVivo and Sams

Today we started off the day attending the State Board of Education meeting where they discussed various proposals for programs regarding charter school in the state. They listened to people’s various proposals and then the Board asked them a series of questions, mostly regarding funding.

After that we waited outside a Senate committee session to meet with one fo the Senators to discuss a budget adjustment that we would like regarding one of our clients. When legislative officials are super busy the only way to get a hold of them immediately is to catch them between meetings and just talk to them as they walk to their next meeting.

Then we ended the day with one more meeting with a group of people regarding a an environmental bill that we would like changed. We met with them to negotiate changes in wording and things we would like to add to protect our client and serve their desires.

State Board of Education Meeting

Day 6 – DeVivo and Sams

Today I was back at the General Assembly working with the lobbyists, Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams. We started off the day helping chiropractors who are now lobbying to government officials to consider chiropractics as a means to help with the opioid crisis. Today was one of their first days on the job, so Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams gave them some pointers as to how to approach representatives and make sure their voices are heard.

After that, we went to meet with Representative Tillman to discuss something that we would like changed in the budget regarding a education client that we have. We then waited outside the House to catch a Representative on his way out to discuss the same budget change that we would like.

We ended the day looking over client emails and dropping in Representatives’ offices to convey any last minute messages to them regarding the client emails we just received.

Group of chiropractors

Day 5 – Governor Cooper’s Office

Today we started off the day meeting various policy coordinators in a vert of sectors. One of Governor Cooper’s priorities is education, thus there are a number of the people within the policy department under education. We got to meet a couple of them and I found it extremely interesting to learn about how governance of education works in North Carolina and what this administration has done to improve education given those guidelines. North Carolina has started some really interesting initiatives to reduce high school dropout rates and to promote discussion based learning.

We then met with the policy coordinator in the Public Safety and Justice department. He spoke to us about how this administration is trying to improve the prison system and focus on rehabilitation and correction rather than punishment. He also discussed the increase in school safety initiatives that were put in place after the Parkland shooting.

Lastly, we met with the Director of Policy. She walked us through her job as serving as a oversight to all these various departments under policy and trying to ensure that everyone knows what the state is doing in the various sectors and how they might overlap. She helps the departments coordinate with each other and she is main person that reports back to the Governor.

We then ended the day with a tour of the Executive mansion, which was really cool. They were preparing the house for an event this evening so it was really interesting to see that setting as well.

Today was my last day working with the Governor’s office. I found this to be an incredible experience for me as I was able to see how policies are made on the local level and how they can have an influence on the federal system as well. I am so grateful for this opportunity, it was truly an incredible learning experience.

A poster in the education policy department that represents North Carolina’s outlook on education.

Day 4 – Governor Cooper’s Office

Today I worked in the Governor’s office with the assistant to the policy director. Her name is Ms. Eliza Edwards. She first gave me some information about her background and then discussed the various sectors in the policy department. After that we went sit in on the Senate session as they were voting on the amendments to the new budget proposal.

I later met with Mr. Jeremy Tarr who is the Policy Advisor for Environment, Energy, and Transportation. I was able to hear about his background and some projects he is currently working on. After this I sat in on a lunch meeting that happens once a month for the whole office to catch up on everything each department has done. After that meeting, we

Lunch meeting with members of each department

came back to take a tour of the building and then a tour of the State Capitol.

Day 3 – DeVivo and Sams

Today started off a little differently than the past couple of days. Today, we drove to Burlington to meet a Representative regarding a bill that we wanted changed. We brought our clients with us and were able to effectively express our desires and opinions.

We then drove back and had a prep session during lunch for the meeting we were to have later in the afternoon. We discussed a specific bill and planned our arguments and what we would negotiate for during the meeting later with the opposing party.

After lunch, we went straight to meeting which lasted quite a while (3.5 hours), but I loved it. I was able to see how negotiations were done regarding a certain bill and how many steps it has taken and will take for things to be finalized. It gave me great insight into the whole process and I was very impressed with the amount of work Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams do in preparation for just one meeting.

Lunch before the afternoon meeting with some clients/partners

Day 2 – DeVivo and Sams

We started off the day meeting up and going over the budget that the NC Senate released yesterday. We looked to see what funding changes had been made regarding clients that we are working for. We then met with Representatives to ask them any questions and gain further clarification on specific sections.

The Representatives were also then able to hear our opinions and consider amendments that could be made to the budget plan. After every meeting with each Representative, we would contact our clients to notify them of any budgetary changes to their sectors/companies.

Tomorrow is supposed to be an even busier day where we meet with clients who are flying in to come see the progress we have made and discuss future plans. I can’t wait for what awaits tomorrow!

Day 1 – DeVivo and Sams

To start of my first day, I met Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams at the General Assembly. They together, created a lobbying firm that is currently thriving in the Triangle area. They are hired by a variety of clients and address issues ranging from education to healthcare to the environment.

Today, I followed them as they met with a Representative regarding a bill that addresses healthcare reform. They were able to use the Representative’s insight into the state of local hospitals and advocate for their client based of the insight that he had. Later, I followed them as they went to meet with another Representative regarding a bill that discusses the environmental concerns within the transportation and city planning sectors. They met with him to express their concerns regarding a specific bill and expressed their desire for his support to counteract the proposed bill. After this, they had a meeting with a group of people all involved in the process of both passing and counteracting the bill and tried to discuss means to compromise and find alternative solutions.

Overall , I felt that today was extremely eyeopening. Being involved in local government affairs allowed for me to see the all the little parts that helps our towns and cities afloat. While Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams were worried that today was going to be kind of a slow day for me, I found it to be pretty eventful and already such an incredible experience.

Meeting with various parties involved with the environment bill
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