Day 8

Today, we worked out of his house again. I continued analyzing the medical data across multiple platforms comparing different variables to determine any correlation. Today I researched a lot into what will change based on your age, sex, and genes. I used a lot of data to come up with my conclusion and I emailed that to him. We went and got sushi for lunch and I went back to work afterwards. I continued analyzing the data and put it into a multivariable equation software system which would give me an equation that would determine the correlation. Overall, I had a fun time during these two weeks and I can’t wait for more to come working with him in the summer.

Day 7

Today, we worked out of his house again. He gave us a presentation on his company and the process that they use when helping patients. I then continued my statistical analysis of a lot of data. I specifically focused on a certain gene to see how it effects certain bodily functions. I compiled all of this and sent it to him. I also took all of the data and put it into a program that would determine mathematical equations that would possibly relate different variables. I found a few correlations. Tomorrow I will continue my work into researching the gene.

Day 6

Today, we went to the Frontier, a place in the research triangle park, because he had a meeting. There were many workplaces to work in while he was in his meeting. I continued analyzing data checking for correlation as well as doing some research for a doctor who works for the company. I also learned a bunch of techniques on excel to complete my tasks more efficiently. I had lunch at a food truck and continued working on this stuff into the afternoon. I helped Zach out with creating a formula for determining characteristics for a patient based on other information. Overall, it was a fun day and I am looking forward to tomorrow!

Day 5

Today I went back to his house to continue my work. We were able to get a statistical analysis software to work which increased my productivity in analyzing data. I checked for correlations between much of the data. I also re-looked at some of the correlations that I had found earlier eyeballing it, and I used the program to confirm my results. Luckily, they were confirmed. I also gave a presentation on soft edges and cut points. I discussed the problems with cut points and the issues that they can cause when trying to diagnose a patient correctly. The problem with cut points is there are many variables that are not accounted for. I found this topic very interesting and I will continue researching into that as well as analyzing more data. I do not have any pictures because the data I am working with is confidential.

Day 4

Today I worked from my house again as he had things to do. I continued looking at the data to find outliers and correlations. I also looked up cut points in the medical industry. Basically, if your level is 30.0, you are fine but if it is 29.9 you’re in bad water even though there is only a small difference in bumber. I looked up this method and the pros and cons to it. I also tried to find other methods for determining ones degree of health in any particular category. There were few alternatives and this is a huge problem in the medical industry that needs to be fixed. I will continue my research into this next week.

Day 3

Today I worked from my house as he had things to do. He gave me a bunch of tasks to complete. I continued analyzing the data to find statistical anomalies or outliers. After this I specifically tried to find correlation between different statistics. I was specifically looking at Drug to Drug interactions inside the body and what could cause them. I found some results and reported those to him. Next I researched fuzzy ranges to try and find a better way of determining ones health rather than just a set cutpoint. Again I have no pictures because the data I’m using is confidential.

Day 2

Again I went to his house to continue my work. This time I met a few of his co-workers. They had a meeting discussing what they were going to do going forward and stuff they needed to fix in their code. We talked a lot about genes and the affect they have on a person with different things. Then we went and got lunch at a pizza place in Raleigh. After, we came back and finished the meeting. We then continued into our statistical analysis of our data. We were looking for trends and correlation between sets. I will continue doing this tomorrow and the next few days. There aren’t any pictures from today due to confidentiality.

Day 1

Today I went to Mr. Walker’s house where he works from. He gave us an introduction into what sort of data we were going to be looking at and analyzing. Over the next two weeks we will be analyzing a bunch of data and determining the correlation it has to Alzheimer’s and its progression. Our goal is to determine what factors put someone more at risk for Alzheimer and preventative non-drug options. Today I started analyzing this data and calculating means and standard deviations to start plotting data for determining connections between certain traits. I do not have any photographs as the stuff we work with is mostly confidential. Tomorrow I will continue studying the data and looking for connections.

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