Final Day/Conclusion

I spent the entire morning today plugging into an excel spreadsheet for the RTP Directory for cold calls. Just for a bit of reference, that’s over 261 companies to write the info down for. Since it’s such a huge project I didn’t finish it in 2 days, but I did complete all the phone numbers as well as the company names. Sarah will take that work on in my absence. In the afternoon I visited a site with Taylor and I got to meet the third Musketeer/contractor, Dan. I also met with Tim again in order to say thank you. I returned to the office and thanked Mr. Sanchez with the gifts from CA, and then went on my merry way.

My conclusion from this experience is that not having a degree can really suck. I felt that the work I did any two bit worker could complete, so i didn’t feel like I was contributing all that much. It was also a little disappointing to not have work at some times. This isn’t TriProperty’s fault by any means, but it is a bit of a buzzkill when I spend half the day with nothing to do, even while asking everyone for work. Final Word: The work was not the most gratifying, however the people I met and the knowledge I gained are indispensable and it was an experience well worth my time.

Day 7

I actually got to start working again today! Unfortunately Matt was sick so I spent most of the day with Sarah. I begun by finishing the format for Taylor’s proposal for a site build, and then after that I left with Sarah to check to make sure all of the floor plans are complete at all of TriProperty’s office buildings. We also checked the roadside signs to make sure there was no damage to them. The one sign that had sustained damage is the image below. After lunch I spent the rest of the day creating a directory for every single company in RTP.

Day 6

Today was a very quiet day at the office. I was formatting a proposal from Taylor so that he could send it on, when unfortunately Becky (the woman whose computer I am using) logged on from home, cutting my avenue to work from. I mostly meandered around following that, as well as taking some inventory with Sarah and Matt. After that I met with a certain CA teacher (asked for anonymity) and Mr. Sanchez, where they then discussed in secret my fate after the end of the week, as well as what I’d been doing so far. After that meeting I continued taking inventory with the CA alums. To finish off the day I managed to get back on the computer while Becky wasn’t using it.

Day 5

Today was a very chill day at the office. I edited and formatted more excel spreadsheets, including all of the ones I completed last week. I also wrote a report on the potential presence of Apple coming to the triangle. I wrote about the benefits as well as the downsides to such a potential shift in the job market. After I wrote that report Matt ran out of work for me, so I kept doing research on Apple until the day was done.

Day Cuatro

Today I spent the whole day at the Churchill building work site with Tim, the sub-contractor I mentioned yesterday. I attended meetings between Tim, Taylor, the architect as well as the leasers. After that meeting we (Tim and I) went to lunch with the architect and Taylor. I told them what I plan on studying and why it was good to see what a contractor is responsible for as well as what their relationship is to an architect, which is what I was more inclined to becoming prior to this internship. I made the analogy that the architect is the creator of the sandwich, while the contractor is the one that shoves it into the box (pictures below). Taylor gave me some good tips when it came to finding out what I want to study/do for a living, and it was a good experience. After lunch Tim and I kept digging for the plumbers and then waited a while for the inspectors for electrical and plumbing to come by. We meandered around for around an hour and they still didn’t arrive, so I salired for the day. I’m back in the office Monday so we’ll see what’s in store for me then!

Day 3: I did some things today

Today was vastly different from my other days, as I only touched an Excel spreadsheet for 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes Taylor took me over to Churchill, where I met up with Tim, a Subcontractor for TriProperties Construction. I spent some time with Taylor and Tim at Churchill and then Taylor told me to head back to the office, get my car, and then pursue Tim to another work place. Unfortunately Tim forgot to wait for me, so I spent an hour and a half getting lost all over NC. After that fiasco I finally meandered my way to the site, skipping lunch in the process. I talked with Tim as he worked on a punchlist for the property of a future local government office. I programmed the keypad for the door as well as helping out with the menial tasks he had to complete in order for the building to be ready to be leased. It was really great to hear what a contractor actually does. It’s not really what I thought it would be and I’m no longer interested in pursuing it as a career, but it was still great to understand what goes on behind the scenes. I still got to spend time with Tim and Jeff (another subcontractor), who are quite the pair of characters. I may not want to be a contractor anymore, but this experience narrowed down my career choices and I got to meet some great people.

Day 2: Excel Spreadsheets are My Life Now

Today was almost identical to yesterday, except for the fact that I was mostly independent.Unfortunately I was unable to attend the 9:30 meeting because Taylor, the man who would have gone with me, got held up from his 8:00 AM meeting and didn’t have time to pick me up. I spent the morning completing the Notable Office Development Under Construction spreadsheet and Notable Industrial Development Under Construction spreadsheet. During the afternoon I researched the sites that I previously put into the Notable Development in order to find out where the parking will be located as well as the major tenants of the building. By tomorrow the quarterly report should be finished, as at the moment I only need to touch up on the previously mentioned spreadsheets, as well as write the overview for the quarterly report. The pictures from today (of the building) are from when I went to take pictures of a building that is part of Tri Properties. These pictures will be inserted into a brochure for potential tenants. Tomorrow looks to be a pretty chill day as Flynn will be out planning a golf tournament. After the quarterly report is finished I’ve been tasked with researching the upcoming potential move to the Triangle by Apple and maybe Amazon, which could be huge for the job market (≈50,000 jobs). I’d say the best part about the job so far is the knowledge I’ve gained during my research, for example I know where my brother’s company is moving to, as well as who is occupying certain buildings. I’m a little disappointed in the fact that I haven’t taken part in any actual contracting, but I’m optimistic my luck will change over the coming days.

Day 1: Excel Spread Sheets For the Win

Starting the day off I met with Matt Glenn, a 2016 CA Alum who is currently undergoing his second year of internship at TriProperties. I began the morning discussing with him what I would be working during my two weeks at TriProp. He explained that I would mostly be working on the Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2018. This includes making Excel spreadsheets detailing notable sales of properties, occupancy rates, location, prices, sellers and buyers, as well as what area these properties were located at. I spent my entire morning at the computer locating where these deals were taking place as well as finding all of the other categories listed above. Upon finishing the Notable Sales section Matt and I headed off to lunch. Near the end of our break I was discussing how I was more interested in the contracting side of the business, rather than the PR side. He took me out to their most recent building, of which there are two pictures of above. He managed to get me into a meeting at 9:30 tomorrow with the main contractor of TriProp, so I’m really excited for that. For the rest of the day I started working on the Notable Moves Excel Spreadsheet and entered a meeting with Matt and the effective head of PR for TriProp, Flynn. He discussed what else I would be working on and how to go about finishing the Notable Moves Section as well as what to include in it. I finished that day off with some more spreadsheets and then signed out. I’m looking forward to tomorrow for when I get to see some more of the contracting side!

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