
Looking for a change of scenery today… ended up spending 2 hours in a Bass Pro Shop talking with Mr. Lanier today. I read the entire book of Daniel last night and this morning, and I was full of confusion due to difficult language and numerous prophecies. However, Mr. Lanier broke down the book and pointed out how the prophecies told in Daniel about Christ can be connected to historical dates. There have been comments in the past that its possible the book of Daniel could have been written after the time of Christ, thus making the prophecies fake, however there have been copies of Daniel found to date at least 160 years before the time of Christ which argues the prophecies to be true.


Went for a walk down a greenway with Mr. Lanier, and his baby, to discuss my readings of an essay written by Professor John M. Monson of Wheaton College. The essay was the work mentioned beforehand that dealt with the relationship between archaeological and textual evidence when approaching biblical archaeology. The walk lasted two hours, and we focused on the dangers of interpreting archaeological/textual evidence outside of its context and false biblical assumptions that have been made because of misinterpretation. I am now starting my final “project” where I will be writing about the book of Daniel and the verity of its contents based on a methodical historian approach.

Archeology Day 4

Reading an essay written by Alan R. Millard, a professor at the University of Liverpool. Millard is an expert in Hebrew and Ancient Semitic Languages, and in this essay he discusses if the Bible and archeology disagree or not using the reigns of David and Solomon as examples. I have been assigned by Mr. Lanier to draw my own conclusions after observing the archeological evidence and looking back to textual evidence in the Bible and essay.


Still researching the book given to me by Mr. Lanier. Today I am learning the step by step process of interpreting artifacts and texts. The texts that one uses can be of both biblical and extra-biblical resources. Additionally, I am learning about the earliest non-biblical references to Israel in the ancient Near East cultures.

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