WEP Day 8

Today was the last day and I did a lot of work to prepare for opening night tomorrow. I started off by cleaning out a room and putting together two new shelving units for the room. Then I went around the building and changed the outlet and light switch covers to the new ones that had the proper colors. I put decals on trash cans so they said recycling on them instead. I organized extra props in the lobby to be a welcome space for the show. And I created the Cast Board and a board that showed the next play that was going to be put on.

WEP Day 7

Today there wasn’t a lot to do because opening night is Friday. I started off the days cleaning out and reorganizing a closet in the main offices so things could be accessed easier. Then I helped move everything back upstairs from tech week and worked with both the sound and lightboxs. I then started making felt boards that would show who the cast was for the shows.

WEP Day 2

Today I had a shorter day and went home at lunch due to a staff meeting that was being held in the afternoon. This morning, however, I repainted a door for the set, finished the structure for the blueberry baskets, attached foam board together with nails and spray adhesive to create a roof, and cut out bird stencils for a sunset being painted. Tomorrow the plan is to finally finish assembling the blueberry baskets!

WEP Day 1

For my first day at Theatre in the Park, I mainly worked on props needed for the play they are putting on June 3rd. I made blueberries out of model magic, sewed straps on cushions so they wouldn’t fall off chairs, and fixed a basket to make it easier to put the fake blueberries in. I also helped wrap and test extra sound and light cords and moved the sound and lightboxes out of the tech room so they could start preparing for tech week.

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