Strategic Connections Work Week 2 Day 2

Today was a very productive day. Right at 7:00 Am we drove together to Fayetteville. In Fayetteville there is his biggest project of the year that he is working on. Upon arrival we jumped quickly into a meeting to discuss timing of when it will all be done and if the cost is still the same. We then took a look around the building and moved all of our product into a pile. The project is coming together very nicely. On issue we ran into was in the meeting the owners of the building want it done way faster that possible. They want all the t.v, lighting, and cameras all put in in the next 2 moths. This wasn’t possible though because the building wont even be finished in 5 months. So we decided that we will just work very hard to get as much as possible done. It was a fun day today and I learned a lot.


Strategic Connections Week 2 Word day 1

Today We did most of the work in his office. It was a very important work day though. Tomorrow we are going to a site in Fayetteville. This is his biggest project he has ever had. So today we had to make sure everything was right. We started off by making sure all the products order are going to get there on time. Then we needed to make sure all the pricing was right. It was lots of little steps we had to go through to make sure everything is perfect. We ran into a couple challenges along the way though. The price for all the product went up. This was a problem because that means they will have to charge the client more and they wont be happy. So what we had to do was try and negotiate a fair deal where it would help both people. Overall it was a great work day!


Strategic Connections Work day 4

Today I went to a project work site. We had to take a look to make sure everything was being done properly and on time. I helped with the wiring. The wiring was a little tricky at first because I had to make sure the red and black wires didn’t touch. If this did happen then I could have been shocked. Once I got the hang of it though it was not hard. I just had to align the red wire with the other red wire. After I finished all the wiring I tied all the wires together so there not just hanging around. Another thing I did on site was help carve out a space in the wall where a camera could fit. The camera will be used for zoom calls. Overall it was fun helping work on the office buildings.


Strategic Connections Work Day 3

Today was a very good work day. The orders all came for the Cape Fear project. All the product was around the whole warehouse though. So it was my job to find all the product for the Cape Fear project and to place them nicely together. I had a excel document with numbers on them. The numbers were the package numbers. So, I went all around the warehouse. Looking for the numbers and once I did I put it in a pile and labeled it Cape Fear. It took me a while to find the numbers so it was very tedious. Once I found them all though I was very happy that I got to be a big help.

Strategic Connections Work Day 2

Today I went to a work site in Durham. I got to help the workers and made sure everything with the project was going well. The project was to install lighting and televisions into office buildings. There were some problems though. A challenge that we ran into was that the wiring was not done properly so we had to redo all the wiring before putting in the lighting. After we overcame some challenges we made sure everything was on check and continued. Overall it was a good work day and I learned a lot. I learned that with work some things will go wrong and a solution is needed.

First Day Work Experience (Strategic Connections)

Today is my first day of work experience. I am working with a project manager. He is a commercial project manager. Today he showed me around the company, he  showed me the warehouse and I did work with him. The warehouse was very big and I got to see how all the packages are placed in piles based on what the project is. He is working on a big project for ECU. He is working to replace the football jumbotron screen and put a newer and nicer one in. We also did some work in excel to make sure all the pricing for the products are in correctly. He is also working on a auditorium in Cape Fear. We might go view the site later in the week.

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