Day 7- Nousha

  • We began to research potential partners for mpro5 with the goal of joining forces with them to gain more customers long term
  • we drove over to panera not realizing the one we had put in the GPS was inside a hospital, so we had to switch gears and go to a different location
  • we had a team meeting with fred and mark regarding our time here and what were our strongest takeaways (mine was how crucial business development is)
  • We finished up by pitching our list of potential partners and explaining why each of these companies would benefit mpro5 further down the road

Day 3- Nousha

  • Discovered I got a parking ticket
  • Began a new project to research key words that would contribute to mpro5 appearing onto more people’s first page from a google search
  • Presented all projects to both Mark and Fred
  • Continued to research names/contact info of hospital CEO’s to see if they are incorporating mpro5 into their systems
  • Brainstormed a future action plan for mpro5v (included adding a slogan & targeting more “in need” companies)
  • Presented all research to Fred & Mark

Day 1- Nousha

  • First me and EJ learned how to pay for parking in downtown Raleigh
  • We began the day with a presentation describing the purpose of the company along with the incentives of our project
  • We split into two groups, and my group is researching US based cleaning services that mpro5 can target to develop their business
  • We are continuing to research companies that contain a revenue of at least 10 million, with the companies preferably being local
  • I gave Evan a cup of coffee with almond milk not knowing he was allergic to almonds
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